Chapter 7

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"Daydreaming about Emery, Dom?" I realized I had zoned out.

"What?  No.  I was actual thinking about your wife."

"What the fuck Dom?"

"Calm down.  I was just remembering a conversation I had with her in college."

"The one where Suzie told you, you  were in love with Em?"

"Suz has always scared me with the shit she seems to know without being told by anyone."

"You think I don't know that?  It's gotten me in trouble more times than I can count and the girls call her a psychic." That made me laugh.

"You have a good one in Suzie, Jensen."

"And I tell her every chance I get.  But you are attempting to change the subject.  Why did you never tell Emery how you felt?"

"Because our last conversation we ever had did not go well and we haven't spoken since."

"Did you get in an argument?"

"The worst argument we ever got in."

"It couldn't have been that bad, Dom.  You guys bickered all time and still always had each other's backs."

"In high school,  we bickered about who could run  faster,  whether Green Bay or Minnesota would cover the point spread or who did better on a test.  Hell, we even bickered about which one of ups  would leave Winterset, Iowa first.  Guess she won that one. But Jensen, this was an argument.  Hell it was a fight. It was mean and nasty and we both said things we regret. Well, I can't really say that.  I regret what I said."

"It's been over 20 years.  I am sure she has forgiven you by now."

"You know Emery Evans could hold a grudge better than anyone.  Plus,  what does it matter?  It's not like I am still in love with her."

"Ya, you keep telling yourself that." I poured myself another glass of whiskey.

"I should be mad at Suzie.  She is the one who made me call in the first place."

"Another one of Suzie's secret powers is that it is impossible to be mad at her ever."

"I wasn't even mad at her once I hung up the phone with Emery that day."

"Can I ask what the argument was about?"

"It's been long enough.  I can tell you."


I dialed Emery's number.  I was almost hoping she would not pick up.



"Dominic?" I realized that Emery called me Dominic more than anyone and I really liked that she did.  I loved the sound of my name from her.

"Yep.  It's me. Dominic."

"Okay.  Are you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I looked over at Suzie and she was trying hard not to laugh at me.

"I don't know but six sentences into this conversation and you are already acting weird."

"Very funny.  There is a reason I called."

"And the reason is?". I could hear the smile behind her voice. 

"Um,  how are you?" I made myself almost laugh how weird I was being.  Just tell her Dom!

"You called me to ask how I was when we talked yesterday and I told you then?"

"Well, um, I know that when girls are pregnant how they feel can change from day to day." Suzie had to put her hand over her mouth this time not to laugh out loud.

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