"𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚌𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚜."

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Lucy Chen loved watching her man work.

There was just something utterly thigh-clenching about watching Tim Bradford bark demands, hold a gun, throw around criminals, and tighten handcuffs around wrists. It was why they never worked together as partners anymore – Tim was just too distracting for Lucy.

It was a little unsettling how many arrests they had made lately during their lunches at the food trucks. Lucy holstered her gun as Tim pulled the guy up from the ground by his arms, Nyla and Aaron doing the same. Tim handed the guy off to Aaron, choosing to let him handle the arrest so he could finish his lunch with his girlfriend.

"You'd think they'd have learned by now," Tim chuckled as he sat down beside Lucy, returning to his tacos. "What's up with you?"

Lucy just stared at Tim, saying nothing. She was drinking in the sight of him, her heart about to beat out of her chest from just looking at him. Lucy loved Tim so much – she honestly had since the day she met him. He was such a tough guy, his soft side reserved just for her. It made her love him even more, and it definitely made her wish he could bend her over the table right here.

"Just watching you throw that guy around..." Lucy scooted her chair closer to Tim, her eyes looking him up and down. "Sometimes I wish you'd get a little rough with me, you know... toss me around, bring the handcuffs home..."

As Lucy's flirty fingers danced on his thigh, Tim clung to every ounce of willpower in his body. They did not have time for a quickie in the shop, although it wouldn't have been the first. He loved Lucy, and sex with her was... otherworldly. He was guilty of always being gentle with her, because she had been hurt by so many men in the past. He wanted to do right by her. If he ever hurt her, pushed her a little too far... he'd never forgive himself for that.

"I don't want to hurt you," Tim spoke softly, placing his hand on top of hers. "What we have is already so good."

"And it could be better," Lucy countered, Tim's eyes watching her tongue swipe across her bottom lip. "Can you really sit here and say you've never thought about pulling my hair? Or slapping my ass when you're fucking me from behind?"

"Lucy Chen!" Tim blurted out her name, surprised by her boldness in such a public place.

"Don't Lucy Chen me," she smiled, knowing she had already won the battle. Tim's cheeks were beet red. "It's fine, Tim. I think about it all the time. You don't have to worry about hurting me. That's what communication is for."

"I've thought about it," Tim finally admitted to her, bringing his hand up to cup Lucy's cheek. They rarely engaged in PDA, especially on the job. Still, they always had a hard time keeping their hands out of each other. "All of my other partners, well, they wanted slow and gentle. And then with your history, I guess I just assumed."

"You should know better than to assume with me," Lucy leaned forward, giving Tim a quick, promising kiss. "I've gotta get back to work, but you really should think about bringing those cuffs home tonight, Officer Bradford."

Tim leaned back in his seat, hands folded behind his hand, watching Lucy walk away. He shook his head, smiling, and threw away their trash. He didn't know how he was going to make it through the rest of his shift.


Lucy was riddled with nerves. Tim was working a couple hours later than she was, so she had time to prepare for their evening. She had stopped by the lingerie store on the way home and bought a new set in Tim's favorite color. She had made dinner but had a feeling they wouldn't be eating until late into the night.

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