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It has been 3 days since I had told Hermione about Malfoy and me. I don't know how I'm supposed to explain to my best friend that I am snogging the one person we had shared a hatred toward for 8 years. I wasn't like that with Hermione, she is smart, she had found out anyway, but our friendship is not the same as Ron's and mine. She Has always been the one we depended on. Ron and I shared this hatred toward Malfoy because of her. She didn't say what she thought, so we did. Thats why i feel like he will take it worse than any of mine or Malfoys friends. 

Hermione and I had gotten closer because of the situation. I feel like Ron feels left out, but he doesn't know why. "Mione, im going to tell Ron today." I say looking over at her as she stuffs her bag with her best quill and her potions book into her bag. "Thats great Harry!" She replies. "I'm quite nervous. What if he hates me after this?" I say. "Don't think about it, just go and sit him down then tell him what is going on. He will understand." She says in a definite tone. I smile slightly. We just head down to potions, with Ron, and don't talk about for the rest of the walk.

I get into the class and spot Ron in the far corner and waving for us to go over there. Malfoy was also in this class, sat in the back left corner. He smiles slightly, I return the smile. I hadn't talked to him in person since I told Hermione, I sent him a letter stating that I told her. "Hey Mione, Hi Harry." he says as we sit down. Hermione glances at me then nods her head slightly to Ron. I let out a harsh sigh. "Ron," I say there seemed to be a large ball in my throat. "Yes?" He said he could tell something was up. It all just came out in a blur. "meandracoaretogether." I say quickly.

"Okay you don't speak whatever language that is in your sleep so if you could please speak English." He speaks. I hear a small chuckle from Hermione. "Draco... Draco, erm. Me and Draco are, erm. Dating." I say, i feel the redness creeping to my face. I look at Rons face, i couldn't even tell if he was upset, he just stared. "Ron?" Hermione says. "How long?" He asks. "About a week, but we've been hanging out since he came back." I say. "Oh." is all he say. "Are you okay?" Hermione asks. "I'm going to go." He says. He gets up from his seat. I watch as he walks out of the room, Professor looking confused. I notice Ron clutching his fist as he walks away.

"He took that... Well," Hermione says. I pull out a piece of parchment. I start to scribble. I blow on the piece as it flies towards Draco.


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