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Main Characters in first part:

Y/N- A robotic Mobian Fox created by Tails to be his assistant and partner, although being a robot they do have feelings and are self-conscious, they have a big soft floofy tail, their metal plates, tail and eye color are unspecified and up to the reader. Y/N often speaks in a monotone robotic voice, barley showing any emotion and takes things very literal. They are loyal and carry out orders, especially from Tails. Y/N is often seen with a long extendable metal pole made by Tails, it can be used as a weapon, a tool or a way to clear large gaps or walls.

Sonic- a slim anthropomorphic hedgehog with blue fur that covers most of his body, and peach skin that covers his arms, muzzle, insides of his ears and front torso. He has small, triangular ears on top of his head, six long quills on the back of his head, two spines protruding from his back behind his shoulders, and a short tail. He has bright green Emerald eyes. For attire, Sonic wears red shoes and a pair of white gloves with sock-like cuffs on the hands.

Tails- a young anthropomorphic fox with a unique genetic mutation giving him two large, fluffy tails instead of one. He possesses mostly amber fur with white fur around his muzzle with cheek tufts, front torso with fluffy fur on top of his chest, and the tips of his tails. He also has large triangular ears with white canals on top of his head, a small black nose, and three locks of hair on his forehead. He has sky blue.

Knuckles- is an anthropomorphic echidna with red fur that covers most of his body, a black nose on his peach-skinned muzzle, a white crescent-shaped patch of fur on his chest, and purple eyes. He also has seven dreadlock-like spines around the sides and back of his head and a medium-sized, tri-crooked tail. For attire, Knuckles wears red and yellow shoes, each with green cuffs, light gray soles, and metallic, sextuple-bolted plates on top. He also wears large, white, mitten-like gloves with sock-like cuffs and two spiked knuckles on each hand.

Amy Rose- a pink anthropomorphic hedgehog with large, bright green eyes. She has a slender build and typically wears a red dress with white trim, white gloves, red boots with white cuffs, and a matching hairband with a large red bow on top. Amy has long, flowing quills on top of her head and a sweet, cheerful expression on her face. She wields a Piko Piko-Hammer

Rouge- Rouge the Bat is a tall and sleek anthropomorphic bat with white fur and large, expressive blue eyes. She has a curvaceous body with a slim waist and prominent bust, and her wings are a dark shade of purple. Rouge is often seen wearing a skintight black catsuit with matching gloves and boots, as well as white gloves and thick, black eyeliner. She also sports red lipstick and large gold hoop earrings. Overall, Rouge exudes a sultry and confident aura with her sassy demeanor and flirtatious personality.

Dr. Eggman- Dr. Eggman is a large, rotund man with a bald head and a bushy mustache. He typically wears round, red glasses and a red jacket with yellow trim. He is often seen wearing high white gloves and large, black boots. Dr. Eggman has a menacing presence with his bright red outfit and intimidating stature.

This book is based on the first episode of Sonic Prime.

The scene opens up with Green Hills, a beautiful zone full of nature, animals, and unnatural formations of loopdy loops.

Rings are seen on the ground as a blue blur runs through them, collecting the rings.

Sonic, the speedy hedgehog, is seen zipping through the Green Hills Zone with a big smile on his face.

He runs by Big the cat causing Big to spin around and nearly dropping his fishing rod, Sonic comes back making him stop spinning.

Sonic: Sorry Big, Sorry Froggy, can't chat gotta go help our friends!

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