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Before Prism Shatter...

Sonic: Can I open my eye's now?

Amy: Not yet.

Sonic: Amy, you better not be tricking me into the water again.

Amy: No tricks Sonic, trust me, your gonna love it. Okay open them.

Sonic opens his eyes to see everyone here with a picnic blanket under a palm tree, Tails is sitting on a rock, Knuckles is leaning against the tree and Y/N is hitting their staff against a wall, big is sitting on the blanket and Rouge is just flying around.

Amy: Ta- Da!

Sonic: You got me... the palm tree? So, it is a trick.

Amy: No Sonic, it's not a trick.

Sonic: But I already have a palm tree. "He points to multiple palm trees" and that on, and that one. And those over there.

Amy: The gift isn't just the tree. It's all the memories we made around that tree.

Tails: Like that time, you said I couldn't fly up to the top by the time you ran home and back? By the way you still owe me.

Knuckles hits the tree causing a coconut to fall into his hand.

Knuckles: And that time we worked together to make Amy that coconut cream pie.

Y/N: Correction, you bought that coconut cream pie.

Rouge: You also told Amy you made it.

Amy glares at Sonic who chuckles.

Big: Or that time I laughed so hard chili shot out my nose. "He laughs" I still can't smell.

Amy: Yeah, really good times. Right Sonic?

Sonic: Come on guys. don't you think your all being a little too... I don't know... "He sits down on the blanket" sentimental?

Y/N: I can't get "sentimental".

Sonic: Look I get it Tree. Friendship. Memories. "He notices Big holding a plate of chilidogs." Chili Dogs! "He begins eating them."

Amy: Guess you don't get it do you Sonic?



(Note: This is a fanfiction and not related to the actual Sonic Prime series.)


Nine grabs the shard with the grapple mode of his gun, the power goes out before turning back on a second later.

Voice: Backup Systems Engaged.


Don't press a button opening the door and Dr Eggman and Deep walk into the room, not seeing anyone, Nine is going along the roof out the door with his metal tails holding him up., and his twin tails wrapped around the shard.

He goes along the walls before seeing A/N, Knux, Rebel and Rusty on the floor against the wall, watched by Eggforcers. The four look up at him, Nines expression is conflicted like he's choosing as he aims his gun at the Eggforcers.

Mr. Dr Eggman: Find them! They can't be far!

Nine puts his gun away and crawls away, he gives one last look to A/N before jumping off the wall and running to the hole Sonic made while fighting Babble, leaving them behind.

As Nine leaves them behind, Y/N sits against the wall, feeling a mix of emotions. They are hurt and betrayed by Nine's decision to abandon them, especially in a moment of danger. Y/N's robotic features hardly betray their emotions, but the sadness and disappointment are evident in their eyes. They feel abandoned and vulnerable, unsure of what to do next. Despite their loyalty to Nine, they can't help but feel a sense of abandonment and loneliness in the wake of his departure. They look down at the floor, processing the situation. Their mechanical tail twitches slightly, a sign of the conflict and emotion simmering beneath their robotic exterior.

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