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It was a day filled with tears, to explain it in short. I cried for hours, I had no one. My parents died when I when I was very young, I had my commonly known older brother to watch over me.

He taught me everything. Quantum mechanics to cellular respiration, differential questions to geometry. Everything. Some even say I was smarter than him!

After the incident, I truly believed I was. He made the utmost stupid decision, which cost him his life. Of course, although, it wasn't stupid at all. It was in fact the bravest decision a man had made. He saved human kind, but couldn't save himself.

Tony Stark was a brilliant individual. And he was a brilliant older brother.

His funeral had recently ended. I stood closely beside Pepper Potts, who treated me like her own throughout the years I knew her. When Tony was an irresponsible man, partying out late, Pepper was the one who'd cook me dinner, and read me stories.

I was much younger than Tony. My parents accidentally got pregnant with me eleven months to the day before they died.

Yes. I was two months old when they died.

The only memories I had of them were faint videos and old documentaries.

I didn't know what to think anymore. Normally I filled my head with facts, finding comfort in knowing almost everything there is to know, but now I was lost.

Natasha had passed to. Clint barely spoke of her death. Which I respected. Half of me dreaded knowing what she must've went through. So I never asked of it again.

"Are you okay, Auntie?" Morgan asked me. I plastered a smile onto my face. Pepper had left my side to say goodbye to guests.

"Mhm. Feeling better than ever." I lied directly through my teeth, nodding my head. Her asking this simply question made tears form in my eyes.

I wouldn't allow Morgan to see me like this.

"Happy." I muttered, my voice softly cracking. "Go find him. He probably wants to play." Morgan nodded and ran off.

I knew Tony would've wanted me to confront Morgan, but it was honestly the least I wanted to do right now.

I wanted to go home. And sleep.


"Remember." Bruce said as he opened up a small case with all the infinity stones place inside. "You have to return the stones to the exact moment you got 'em," He told Steve, who was suited up. "or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities."

"Don't worry, Bruce." Steve replied, closing the briefcase. "Clip up all the branches." He said metaphorically, looking at me, then at Bucky who was next to me.

This was hard for Bucky. Harder for him than anyone else. Natasha had already died fishing out the infinity stone, who knows what could happen to Steve.

"You know, I tried." Bruce said shortly, looking down at Steve. "When I had the gauntlet, and the stones. I really tried to bring her back."

He paused. Only the sound of the whistling birds and wind surrounded us. Bruce opened his mouth, and let a short sentence fall out. "I miss her, man."

"Me too." Steve said softly, nodding his head. Bruce looked down.

"You know if you want, I could come with you." Sam added, stepping closer beside the Captain as they walked towards the machine.

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