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"Unrest in the wake of recent events has left us vulnerable. Everyday Americans feel it. While we love heroes who put their lives on the line to defend Earth, we also need a hero to defend our country."

"We need a real person who embodies Americas greatest values. We need someone to inspire us again. Someone who can be a symbol for all of us. So, on behalf of the Department of Defense, and our Commander-in-Chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today, that the United States of America has a new hero. Join me in welcoming your new Captain America."

A man in red and blue walked out, holding Caps shield. He winked at the camera as claps and cheers erupted all around him.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I shouted, angrily. I couldn't believe the government would do something like this. They loved Steve, so why replace him?!

Suddenly, my phone began to buzz. It was Sam. I answered, and immediately heard the annoyance in his voice.

"Are you seeing this?" He asked. I sighed, and stood up from my couch, to may my way over to my office.

"Yeah. Ridiculous." I muttered back through the phone. My head was aching, my stomach twisted in anger.

"Besides that," Sam started, "I need your help."

"With what?" I asked. "Oh God, is it another long ass mission?" He awkwardly chuckled, and I could hear him scratching the back of his neck.

"You guessed it. Redwing tracked a group of Flag Smashers out to a base in Munich. I'll have Torres send you the information—well if you're up for it, of course."

I smiled, "Count me in."


"So much for enjoying my time at home." I muttered as I walked beside Sam. I had flown out early that morning to meet with him in a private military hangar.

Plastered on the wall, was a poster of the new "Captain America". I cringed, and looked over at Sam.

"Seems like a good guy." Torres said, as he stepped up to us. "You met him?" He asked, looking at John's face.

I shook my head. "No." Sam replied. We both had bad feelings about this guy, and my anger at Sam for giving away the shield was growing.

"Thanks for doing this on such short notice." Sam said to Torres, as we began walking towards a small set of stairs that led down to a grouping of planes.

"Yeah, no sweat." Torres replied. "I'm just finishing up the checklist." He held up a clipboard with a white paper attached. "So you'll be all good to go once you land in Munich."

My eyes widened as Bucky came into view. It may seem weird to talk about my friends like this, but he looked amazing. He got a haircut, and had a slight stubble across his face.

"Shouldn't have given up the shield." Bucky said instantly once he saw Sam. Bucks eyes ever so slightly widened as they fell upon me. 

"Good to see you too, Buck." Sam replied back. I simply smiled at Bucky as we finished going down the stairs.

"This is wrong." Bucky muttered to the both of us as Torres left the two of us and walked off.

"Hey, look, I'm working, all right. So all this outage," he said to Buck. "is gonna have to wait."

"You didn't know that was gonna happen?" Bucky asked Sam.

"No, of course we didn't know that was gonna happen." Sam muttered. "You think it didn't break our hearts to see him march out there and be called the new Captain America?"

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