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Music blared through my ears.

I had been to parties tons of times. But they were Tony Stark parties. Nothing like this.

I was wearing a sleeveless black silk dress. Sharon picked it out for me. Along with black heels, and golden jewelry.

It wasn't the ideal club outfit. This was a Tony Stark party outfit. But it will have to do. I had a black purse with golden details. It cost about $10,000, but that was barely any for me. I put my hair up, and did darker accented makeup. Especially around my eyes. This was a style I rarely chose. I didn't like how black looked on me.

Sharon had hosted a party at her place. It was around where all the glass cases were.

I accidentally got separated from my friends and Zemo. I wanted to try and stay with them, but lost them once Zemo started dancing and I got second-hand embarrassment.

I decided to get a drink. I pushed through the large crowd of people, the smell of alcohol and too much cologne filled my nose.

Finally I reached the bar. The bartender was wearing a red suit, with silver chains all across it. "Hello." I said over the music.

The bartender turned to me, and nodded. "Can I have a.." I looked down at the cocktail menu. Oh God, this was disgusting. Snake skin shot? Tiger tooth whiskey?

I cleared my throat. "Water. Please." The bartender raised an eyebrow, then turned around to pull out a glass.

I sighed, and sat down at the bar. Normally, I'd be dancing right now. But I didn't know anyone.

Call me self-centered, but at parties everyone knew me. I always had someone to talk to, to dance with, but now I had no one.

Unless I could find Sam, Sharon, or Buck. Which was almost impossible is this crowd. So I gave up, and sipped my water while doing, what I like to call, "people watching."

I was rudely interrupted by a man sitting down next to me. "Y/n Stark, I would never have expected seeing you here."

I looked over to see a dark featured man with glasses, and a purple-ish suit. He was handsome, and held himself high.

He had a blue drink in his hand, I didn't even want to ask what it was made of.

"Hello." I responded, taking another sip of my icy water. "I'm surprised someone here knows my name."

The man chuckled. "I'm Phineous Smith. I've been to a few of your brother's parties. I met you once." He told, looking deep into my eyes.

His breath reeked, and I mentally cringed. "Oh." I said shortly. "I'm sorry, I meet a lot of people."

He frowned, and nodded. "What are you doing here, anyways?" He asked, swirling his drink. He then took a sip, and his eyes wandered across my body.

I gulped. "Business." He raised an eyebrow, and set the glass down on the bar counter.

"Business, hm? What sort of business?" He began to pry, making me frown.

"Sir, I don't believe this is any of your business. Now I should be finding my friends now." I mumbled, leaving my empty water glass on the counter, and getting up.

He sighed, and set his drink down as well, getting up. "Okay, I'm sorry. I just think you're so beautiful and—"

"Excuse me?" Bucky cut in. His metal hand resting on my hip. Phineous looked up, his eyes widening ever so slightly.

Bucky kept a stern face, occasionally peering in down at me. "Barnes? I saw you in a museum piece. Didn't know you two were," he looked down at Bucks hand on my hip, and raised an eyebrow, "friends."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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