Chapter 11: The Halfpipe

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Pulling up, Blake honked and waited. His smile grew at the sight of Lyla in her gray sweater and jeans that hugged her curves just right. His smile only grew as she climbed into the car.


"Hey," he replied before leaning forward. Cupping her chin, he pressed a soft kiss against her lips. Hmm. Deprived of her taste, his other hand pressed against her neck, letting him deepen the kiss. Finally, after what felt like eternity, he reluctantly pulled away. "I missed that."

Lyla's face flushed as she fiddled with her sleeve. "You were just kissing me yesterday."

"And that was way too long ago." Starting the car, he pulled out onto the road. As they passed a few houses, her gaze turned toward him. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"Blake." Her eyes narrowed. "I don't like surprises."

"It's not a surprise." Blake winked. "It's more of a spontaneous date." WIth that, she rolled her eyes while her lip twitched revealed a hidden smile. However, the smile soon surfaces at the sight of the growing ferris wheel in the distance.

"The fair?" Her gaze snapped back to him with awe. "You're taking me to the fair?"

Blake hummed.

As they pulled up into an empty spot on the field, he smiled. "I thought this would be the perfect way to start our date."

"I've always wanted to go to the fair." Her smile faltered. "My mother never really had the time to take me." Feeling his heart squeeze, he pushed open his door. "Well, today's the day then and if you want we can always bring something back for her."


"Yeah." Closing his door, he went to open hers. "My treat."

Thankfully, the fair wasn't too crowded. With their hands entwined, Lyla's gaze looked around with awe and excitement. It was kind of adorable. When she met his gaze again, he leaned in for a quick peck before laughing at her bashful smile.

"So," he pulled her under his arm. "What are we going to do first?"

"Oh, um...I know!" She pointed to the flame painted ring. "How about that?" Nicknamed the Ring of Fire, the ride spun around and around as fast as it could go. "Let's go on that one." At the bright spark in her eyes, Blake gulped. "Well, I guess we could try it out."

Why do I feel like I made a terrible mistake?

As they headed toward the ride, Blake could only hope it wasn't as bad as it looked. However, ten minutes later his legs were jelly and his heart was throbbing as he all but threw himself out the ride.

Lyla, however, was a bouncing beam of energy. "That was fun." There was a mischievous spark in her eyes. "Let's do that again."

He felt his heart drop at the thought. "Maybe later." He remarked. "I like where all my organs are right now." Instead he grabbed her hand and pressed a soft kiss against her forehead before he muttered against her ear. "I think I know what ride I want to go on next." He pointed to the Ferris wheel.

Lyla's eyes widened. " Up there?"

"Aw, don't tell me you're afraid," he teased, causing her to glare at him. "Not after we just got off the other ride."

"You mean the one you were screaming like a girl on?"

Blake's jaw dropped before he grabbed his chest. " Ugh, my pride."

Lyla shook her head before she grabbed his arm. "Come on, prideful guy. Let's head up there before the line gets too long."

Reaching the ferris wheel, Lyla stayed close to Blake as they climbed in and started up. It wasn't until they reached the top that the machine stopped.

"What?" Lyla squeaked. Her wide eyes snapped to Blake. "Why did it stop?"

As Blake's smile grew, Lyla's eyes widened. "Blake, what did you do?"

"I slipped the guy a twenty to give us three minutes up here."

Lyla's jaw dropped. "Why?"

"Because," Blake moved closer. "I can kiss you without prying eyes now." Reaching up, he cupped her face. "And I'm going to enjoy every second of it." With her dark eyes filled with desire, he leaned down and kissed her breathless.


"You know when you said you would bring me to a skatepark, I really didn't think you were serious," Blake remarked as his gaze roamed around the park. Skateboarders and rollerbladers near his age were riding rails and ramps, doing flips and tricks while some concerned parents looked on.

"Well, I did say I was taking you riding." She dropped her board down. "And since I still can't use it this is the perfect way to keep it from gathering dust."

Blake merely glanced at the board before he turned back to her. He knew that skateboards were often a sight of their rider's personality and it was clear to see from the spots and splatters of paint and charcoal designs on her skateboard.

"I don't know the first thing about skateboarding."

"And I didn't know the first thing about speaking Portuguese yet," she gestured around herself. "Look where we are now."

Blake's eyes narrowed. "Mirna."

"Relax, I'm not going to push you off the halfpipe." She held out her helmet to him. "We're going to start slowly."

Staring at the helmet a little longer, he finally grabbed and adjusted the straps with a sigh. "Fine, but no halfpipes." His eyes narrowed at a smug Mirna.

"No halfpipes." She rolled the board to him. "Now, just get on and let's start."

Stepping on the board, Blake's arms wobbled as he tried to keep the board from throwing him off. A chuckle sent an icy glare in Mirna's direction. "Now what?"

"Now, you just kick off."

"Kick off?"

Mirna nodded before she gestured for him to move. "Yeah, just kick your leg and keep your balance."

Why does that sound easier said than done? With a gulp, Blake kicked his leg off. His arms instantly shot out as the ground rumbled under his feet and the board threatened to sway. "Whoa, whoa!"

A loud belly aching laughter snapped his glare to Mirna. "It's not that funny."

Watching her wipe her tears, he rolled his eyes. "I mean it's a little funny." Before he could stop himself, he stuck out his lip in a pout causing her to giggle again. Suddenly, she stepped forward and grabbed his hand. "Come on. I got you."

"What are you doing?"

"Trust me!" She called, pulling him faster and faster across the flat area of the skating park. As he moved faster and faster, Blake could feel his balancing become easier. As they reached halfway, her hand suddenly let go.

"Now stake!"


Arms failing again, Blake tried to stop his heart from leaping into his chest. "Bend your knees!" He bent his knees, feeling the slight wind whip at his hair as the board raced beneath his feet. He turned to Mirna who was cheering him on. "Go, Blake, look at you!"

There were a few weird and confused stares but Mirna didn't seem to notice. And if she did, she didn't care. "Blake, Blake, Blake." As the board slowed to a stop, she hurried to catch up with him. At her beaming smile, Blake chuckled and pulled his helmet off. "Will you stop it?" He berated, though his smile betrayed him. "People will think you're crazy."

"And?" Mirna shrugged her shoulders. "I don't care. You did it, Blake and if I have to cheer for the end of the world for you to hear me then I will." At her words, Blake stared at her a little longer before he shook his head and turned away, feeling a familiar heat crawl up his neck.

"Thank you, Mirna." 

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