Chapter 13: Closure

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"You're late again." Blake folded his arms, staring at Lyla. "You were supposed to be here two hours ago."

"I know." Lyla sighed. "I know. I just...I just got work and my mom wanted me to take care of some things around the house."

"Did you mom know you were supposed to meet me later?" Lyla refused to meet his gaze. "No."


"Ok, so I might have let it slip out, but I can't keep sneaking out, Blake. Don't you think you're overreacting about this whole not liking you nonsense."

"Lyla, ever since I met your mother she's been posturing to get a job and now that you have one you can hardly meet me when you're off."

She folded her arms. "You know I have wanted a job for a while now though. The extra income is nice and you even offered to help me look for a job, remember?"

"I know." Now it was Blake's turn before he sighed. "I just missed you." At that, he slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him. "And your lips." He gave her a quick kiss before he continued to claim her mouth with his. As he continued to deepen the kiss, Lyla suddenly pulled apart.

"Hmm, aren't we supposed to be heading to the theaters now?"

"Well, we would have if you arrived on time. We missed the showing of our movie."

"Oh, we'll just watch something else." She pecked his lips. "I thought we'll focus on the movie." Blake's eyebrows wiggled at that before he started to kiss her again. However, her phone rang out, causing her to jump.

"Sorry, that must be my mom."

"You can ignore her."

"I can't. She gets mad when I waste the minutes ignoring her." She pulled out her phone and flipped it open. "Hello?" Blake watched her walk a few feet away from him. "Yeah, I'm here." Something flickered across her gaze. "But mom, you didn't tell me-" Her mother cut her off, saying something that made her sigh.

"Alright, I'll be there soon." She hung up. "I'm sorry, Blake. Mom doesn't think she'll be able to pick dinner from the diner downtown and wants me to grab it."

"Oh, really? Let me grab my keys and I can give you a ride."

"No, I can't ask that of you."

"I don't mind, Lyla and you know that." As he grabbed his keys, he held the door open for her. Pulling into the diner a few minutes later, he held the door open for her again. "Go order and I'll wait here."

"Alright, thanks Blake." She pressed a quick kiss to his lips before she hurried toward the counter. Leaning against the door, Blake inhaled the smell of greasy food and heart stopping flavors and spices.

"Blake? Blake Hill?" Turning his head, he saw some of his classmates. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Here with my girl to pick up some stuff." He nodded to the others. "You guys hear on dates?"

"Yeah," One of them slid an arm around a giggling girl. "You two should join us."

"I'm not sure. She's going to have to get home soon." Suddenly, one of the girls stood up. "Oh come on, Blake. You know we don't bite." She flashed her bubblegum pink lips. "Seriously, when did you became so boring?" She had taken a step closer, running her hand down in a flirtatious manner.

Feeling a spark of annoyance, Blake smiled. "Oh, I'm far from boring. I just rather not hang out with annoying people." The girl's eyes widened as one of his other classmates spoke up. "Blake gets a girl and suddenly he's too good for everyone else."

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