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[  𝐁 𝐑 𝐔 𝐓 𝐀 𝐋 ! ]
"pain stains"


Winter was slowly giving away to spring finally, Valentina barely noticed, cracking down on school even as the parties were starting to ramp up as a "fuck you" to upcoming exams and graduation.

She was stressed beyond belief of failing her senior year, even with the absence of Eliza for the passed few months she knew it was only a matter of time before the devil came back knocking, and she didn't want to have no way out if it occurred. She needed to reach finish high school and get her ass into a good college, that was the biggest goal in her mind now.

Kai teased it was like having double Alessia's only one was brunette with red highlights that was currently fucking her way through the school via parties and just down right flirting in classes.

Valentina has taken Mickeys words to heart, it did work, the more people she slept with and the more she kept her mind occupied the time she had to mope and miss him.

Comet her only remainder go him now, one that was starting not ache anymore. There were other aches though ones she couldn't yet shake, the night ones being the worse. Nights locked in the same spinel of shitty nightmare that he used to ease have returned with vengeance, Vincent would have to barge into her room some nights now to her screaming for Eliza to get off, to go way, to stop. She was only working on 3 hours of sleep at most every day now, it stressed Alessia but she knew there was no way to stop the nightmares they've plagued Valentina most her life for one reason or another. Carl had eased them, she gotten used to the not so bad ones, and now every single one was as bad as it can get.

Now mid way through march, sun in her purple ringed closed eyes and Comets whines wake her from her lucky three hours as he growing head drops down on top of her back.

"christ, comet, you're doing break my spine one of these days" She grumbles into her pillow feeling him jump up at the sound of her voice before his nose is pressed against her cheek and neck.

She smiles still, blindly reach out to the Husky's furry head as she turns over pushing her hair out of her face with her other hand.

When she opens her eyes, she's met with his puppy dog blue eyes ones she that remind her of his dad from their pure vibrancy. He was getting bigger, had grown in the lasts three months alone twice as much as he had been on Christmas and in turn has gotten much heavier. She sighs dramatically and sits up prompting him off the bed with happy bark as she stretches and checks the time.

"oh fuck!" She curses when she realizes she's slept through her alarm and it was 1pm. "why'd didn't you wake me up sooner!"

Just her luck to get the only sleep she ever can reach only to sleep over her alarm.

Comet rushes around with her as she scrambles to get ready before following her down the stairs.

He does that husky scream that makes her laugh to be let out when she enters the kitchen.

"I'm going I'm going!" She tells him as she hooks him up to his harness and leash.

"if you see a squirrel pretend you didn't" Valentina orders pulling open the door, Comet finds some patience to not drag her down the stairs.

 𝘽𝙍𝙐𝙏𝘼𝙇 • 𝘾. 𝙂𝘼𝙇𝙇𝘼𝙂𝙃𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now