Foreversmilin' Presents: All About LaZY: LOTUS, ZOEY AND YAS

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Presenting All About LaZY: LOTUS, ZOEY AND YAS


How are you doing, loves? Hope your day has been wonderful so far. I'm @foreversmilin, also known as Yas. Through this incredible chance I've gotten to participate on the Wattpad Block Party, I will be answering your questions along with Zoey Hunter from, Lotus from Flawed Souls and Rosemary from Smile, Rosemary, so that you can get a chance to know them and me better.

First up, the creator of these cool women: Yas, aka Foreversmilin, aka me.

Q:How old were you when you first began writing?


Q: What is some advice to aspiring writers?

Remember that Wattpad is a site to help you write, not a site where the goal is to be popular. Write because you want to share your feelings and put your heart on a sleeve, not because you want to be known on Wattpad. Write from your heart before your mind.

Q: Who encourages you the most to continue writing?

Myself. I've never wanted to stop writing. It's my escape from the world. I get to create my own universe and characters, let out my feelings, get into someone else's body for a little while. I don't think I'll ever stop writing.

Q: What made you start writing?

Wattpad! My friend showed me Wattpad, I read stories on it for ages. And then, one of our favorite stories stopped updating and we wrote chapters for it on paper, as a competition to see which one is better. Eventually, I made myself a Wattpad and began to write for myself.

Q:One thing you'd tell your younger self.

STOP STRESSING OUT. Seriously. You're always freaking out, always over-thinking. Take a deep breath, enjoy every day and bask in your childhood, it goes away fast. Everything will happen the way it's supposed to.

Q:If you could describe yourself with one word, what would that word be?

Clumsy. In everything I do, I always trip on something. The other day, I was trying to make tea with lemon and ended up breaking the tea bag, dropping the lemon inside the cup of tea and spilling hot water on the counter in less than 30 seconds. But I love it.

Q:Do you ever randomly come up with an idea for your book and write it down?

All the time. Let's say I watched a movie about basketball, I get an idea to create two rival teams competing for a championship cup and make the team captains have a thing—oups. I've said too much.

Q:How do your parents feel about your books?

Proud, which makes them overbearing sometimes. My mom brags about me to everyone. It's humiliating and adorable, but I love her. Of course, neither one has read anything I've written because they don't like to read, which is good for me.

Q:Do your classmates know that you write popular books?

All of them. When I published AUKOL, I told everyone to get their support, which I did. My class was incredibly sweet about it, and 1/3 of them have copies of AUKOL at home, even the guys.

Q: How do YOU pronounce 'Wattpad'?

Are there a million ways, hahah? Watt-pad.

Q:How long does it take you to write a chapter?

A few hours, on good days.

Q:What do you do when you're going through writer's block?

Take a break, listen to music, or close my eyes and imagine that I'm in the character's brain.

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