Biggest Fan Contest Winner!

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Thank you to everyone who entered the Biggest Fan Contest! The entries were absolutely amazing and we enjoyed reading all of them! 

Unfortunately, we could only crown one winner! 

Drum roll please.... 

@cheer_tyme01 YOU ARE THE WINNER! Please message me your email and address. 

Two honorable mentions go to @Tulsi107 and @AprilDanfields! Your entries came in second and third place! I have a little something to send to you as well. Please send me your email and addresses. 

Thank you again to everyone for entering! If you would like to check out the winner's entry, as well as the second and third place entries, they are below. 


Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

P.S. Don't forget to sign up for the chance to join the next #WattpadBlockParty! Here's a link to the form:  


cheer_tyme01 - Okay so I first discover Wattpad last year, June of 2014. When I first discovered Wattpad I was only 14. Around this time I was having a difficult time finding my voice. I've always been the type of girl who was quite but friendly to everyone, but not everyone is friendly. I figured out through bullying (I can continue that story another time). Also my family was helping out others, which put us in financial issues. So I decided to try and read and find a safe haven in this world. So I turned to Wattpad (since I didn't like most books out) as an escape route to find others similar to me. So all of last year I spent almost everyday reading and expanding my love for books, through other young author stories. Which had even inspired me to create my own story. So I tell you all of this to tell you that I am more than a Wattpad "fan". I am Wattpad, we all are really. I am just one millionth point of a decimal inside 100% that makes up Wattpad. What I mean is, Wattpad is more than an app, more than a website, more than a corporation. Wattpad is an alternate universe, where every human being/creature can be themself. Not trying to be popular and like the next celebrity that comes across there screen. Everyone who has a username and password to Wattpad, reads and creates their own scenes from a mini show in their head and shares with their Wattpad FAMILY! And I am grateful that I make up one tiny 0.00000000001% of this loving family, that doesn't make me feel as just another number or fan. Wattpad and Wattpad authors make me feel like an INDIVIDUAL. They all make me feel as though I have a voice, and I'm entering this challenge to express how important Wattpad makes me feel and how I don't think I could have found my voice without it, so I truly, truly am the ultimate, biggest human supporter of Wattpad. And it would mean the world to me if I win this challenge, because it would mean that I do have a voice, and I do matter.

Tulsi107 - Authors behold talent in writing. Writing contains words. Words have power. And power has unexpected feelings. Reading novels on Wattpad by several talented authors brings so much joy to me - and I think everyone can agree with me. When I first discovered Wattpad... About 5 months ago, I said, "Wow!" I mean, come on, millions of books on a site to read for free... PLUS an APP?! Addiction is an understatement but what was more important in Wattpad authors - who make up Wattpad - is that I found a voice. I found a passion, an outlet, a discovery, a new way to EXPRESS who I am. I always used to think I am alone in this world because people couldn't connect to me - well, I was proved wrong! Wattpad gave me people who I could relate to and I think I have found my SECOND HOME! I have a family virtually, my very own books, my very own followers and very own role-models I look up to everyday. I mean, come on! I learned so many new words! I learned the teenage-social-rules! I learned the real meaning of affection! I learned how to stay safe during teen parties (haha)! And even learned a new meaning of inspiration! My writing drastically improved from the beginning of my school year last September to now. The main reason? Wattpad! Wattpad did weird things to me, and I love it! So... If awesome isn't enough to describe Wattpad, try inspiring. Because it truly is.

AprilDanfields - Well, I am not a fan of Wattpad to begin with, because, I just can't be. Wattpad is not just another site for me to go over and fangirl with. Wattpad is so so much more. It is a place which calms me down when I am extremely angry. The place which has helped me deal with depression and anxiety. Moreover it is the place which has made me realize I can achieve my dream of becoming a writer. It will take time, it will be a slow process, I will be frustrated but Wattpad is the place which taught me not to give up. It is more than just a writing website, it is a community where I have met some really great people, interacted with them,realized that we have so much in common, even when they are miles away or even when there's a vast difference between us,in manner of votes or writing skills. It has taught me that it's never to late to chase your dreams and always a scope of improvement.It has given wings to my love for reading and writing. It has made me become who I am today. It has taken a confused, lonely girl and made her feel better about herself through the amazing stories and awesome writers it harbours. I might not be the biggest fan or the best of the writers but I am forever grateful for Wattpad. It helped me find myself. I have no idea where I would be without Wattpad, well I do, but I am too afraid to dwell on it. Since the day I read My Wattpad Love by , back when I didn't even know to vote and was too afraid to comment, till now, I have found many many stories to fangirl over. One such is Magic Dust Cafe by as she knows I have a biggest crush on Matt and relate too well with Saphire Brooks, want to strangle Keith and ask him to confess. Magic Dust Cafe and getting to know the awesome author helped me realize many things, and this has helped me not to give up on this dream in ways I couldn't describe. It is not quite a fangirl post, more like a big THANK YOU post for Wattpad and Wattpad Authors! Forever and always Wattpad!

Wattpad Block Party -Summer Edition-Where stories live. Discover now