5. Captured

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It's been 2 days after the Narco Fiesta. I was staying in Spain for a week. I enjoy being in Spain. I rented a Lamborghini. It was afternoon, and I was in Chanel shop. I came out of the shop and was about to get in when someone from back injected some fluids in me. Before I could do something, the chemicals were already inside me.i turned attacking the assassin, but the chemicals made me weak, and everything went blank.

I gained my and found myself tied up on a chair in a basement. I tried to free myself, but the dose was still on work. Someone entered, and I glanced up and saw Elliot. DID HE KIDNAP ME?

"I have a special guest in my basement today." his deep seductive voice gave me shrills. "Why did you bring me here?"I said weakly as I had no energy to yell. " I know the truth about you." he got closer, held my chin, making me look at his face. His eyes. I never fail to get lost in them.

"You're that woman who's ruling Italy's biggest mafia KNIGHTS," he said with a smirk.
YEAH SURE, he got to know about it eventually. I wasn't shocked.

"Let me go!!" I raised my voice with all my energy. "No," he said, turning around, showing me his back. "For how many days are you in Spain?"

"Why should I tell u?"
I heard him chuckle devilishly. " Dont tell me. I can easily find each and every detail about you in a minute and maybe.......I would know something you don't wanna say to me..."he exhaled.

"Two days"

Then comes a man who entered the room. "We got that bastard with your orders. we can start the process of killing him," he said with a smirk like he had been waiting to kill that person. "Get out. I am coming, " Elliot said in a straight voice. That man left.

Elliot turned, I was trying to avoid his eye contact. " Dont you wanna please to get out of here?"

"Please? I don't beg anyone."
"If you are thinking that Kallix will come to save you, then forget about it. Kallix might find you, but after seeing the location, he'll would do nothing to save you. "
"Bold of you to think Kallix is scared of you,"
" i am not thinking. I already know."

I saw him leaving and locking the door from out.

I wanna get out of here. It was suffocating me. The smell of rotten blood. It seems they used to keep the culprit body in the basement for many days. I was getting sick. Where the hell was Kallix?

"MOM," a child screamed in her broken and painful voice. "MAMA, DONT GO."

I was in another room with my team. "Let..me..go," the man in front of me cried. "I thought I could trust you bastard" I punched him hard on his face, and he fell on the ground and groaned in pain, " but all you gave me is betrayal." I kicked him on his stomach.

I heard a sobbing sound. But who was crying? But I realized it was none other than Valeria. For reassuring myself, I signaled Lorenzo to hold that bastard mouth. It was silent, and still, I could hear her sob.

"Finish this mess," I ordered as I was about to leave. "Should I kill him ?" Lorenzo spoke as I turned, giving him my death glare. Sometimes, that jerk works like he's new in FLAMES. He laughed hesitantly as he understood his assignment.

I unlocked the door and saw Valeria. Sobbing. Never in my entire life did this happen to me. Seeing someone crying never affected me, but seeing HER crying, my heart ached. I felt like destroying the person who made her cry.

"Dont kill her," Valeria whispered as tears kept rolling down her cheeks. Kill who? There must be some tragedy behind her. She was dreaming about that tragedy.

She cried loudly. I clenched my fist. My veins were so visible, like they would pop and bleed. I softly wiped her tears and kept admiring her beauty. Even while crying, she shined. I should never listen to my heart. That's what my dad taught me. A mafia never uses his heart but his brain. I never got attracted to any woman before, like I was attracted to her. I want her to be mine.

I untied her as her head hit my chest. She was fragile. My heart beat increased. I carried her to my room and placed her on my bed. Mario is the only old member of FLAMES. He was once my dad's personal adviser, and now he's mine. I don't think he likes Valeria, but I was least bothered about his opinion on her.

"Call Kallix and tell him to visit me,NOW," I ordered Mario, who was standing outside the room glaring at Valeria. " She is a threat to us. I am sure she is up to something, " he said in annoyance.

This sixty year old man got so much to say. "I GUESS YOU ARE FORGETTING SOMETHING. I DONT LIKE PEOPLE WHO DISOBEY MY ORDERS, " I yelled. He had no choice but to leave and do as I said to him.

I glanced at Valeria. Some hair of hers was disturbing her. I tucked them back of her ear. Her shiny eyes lashes, cherry colored lips, and her fragile body. She was different right now. I was lost in her so deeply that I didn't realize Kallix presence. When did he come?

"What happened to Vale?" Kallix questioned in worried tone. "She was sobbing," I said as I got up from her side, but her bracelet got stuck on my sleeves. I turned and removed her bracelet.

Kallix called someone. She arrived after half an hour. "Who is she?" I questioned as I looked at her. "I am Dr. Melissa Patrick,Valeria's personal doctor, " she introduced in a soft and gentle tone.

She headed inside. After some time later, she came out, " She will get up soon." Mario company's her out.


Valeria in her full form. She walks  down the stairs. I kept admiring her. Even her rage was beautiful. She's a mess of gorgeous chaos, and I could  see it in her eyes. A masterpiece of tragedy. She was..she was different from everyone. That's what makes me fall for her..

She was glaring  at me with her rageful eyes. I looked at her with my whiskey ones. I think our eyes talked more than we did.

"How  dare you?" She said in a furious tone, taking out her gun and holding it tightly. She was pretending to be strong, but her hands were shaking. Lorenzo and other members pulled out their guns, too, but she wasn't afraid. I signaled them to lower their gun.

"Answer me," she said,pointing the gun at me .

"Calm down." Her eyes shined with fury. I love it.

"This gun is real, you know? I can shoot you anytime I want to."

"You wouldn't."


"You wouldn't because your hands are shaking. You're pretending to be strong, but you're actually scared."


She glared at every single one of us. She hated everyone present in the hall,I could see that hatred in her eyes. But why? Valeria left without any further arguments.

Kallix came out from the restroom and stared at us. "I heard some noises. What was that?"

I looked at him,leaning back on my seat, spreading my legs wider. I pulled out my phone and called the guards at the entrance."Let her go."

"Is it Valeria?"
I sighed. "Yeah. Your boss left. "

"Damn. Even after being so sick, she has guts to walk away alone." He sounded surprised.

"Follow her." I ordered.

I want her. I surely do. I will definitely make her mine even if she refuses to be mine.

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