6. The Call

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I sat down angrily on the couch as Ruby sat beside me. "Everything OK?" She asked in concern. I just stayed mourned. She sighed.

Kallix came as I ignored him, and he sighed like he knew the reason behind my ignorance.

"See, I always said you not to go out without bodyguards, but you still did. I called you at least 5 times, but you didn't pick up. I knew there were some problems. I traced your no. It led me to Elliot's address. You know he's the king, so i-" I cut him off," so you just relaxed and waited when that jerk will leave me or dial you up?" I said in rage.

"No -"
"Just shut up, Kallix. I was confident that you weren't scared of that shit-headed jerk, but you know you just... proved me wrong. He is just another human, not a devil, that everyone is so afraid of him."

"He is both human and devil Vale. It's just that you haven't heard much about him yet."

I glared at him and was about to speak, but there was a call. I looked at the caller ID unexpectedly. It was Christian.


"He's after me," Christian spoke, his voice broken and filled with pain.

"Who? Hello? Christian"

No one answered, but I heard a Gunshot.
FUCK. Kallix looked at me. "Anything wrong?"

"Christian... Elliot found out that we asked him for help... I heard a gun..shot," my voice broke.

Kallix traced his location, and we reached a hotel, room 809. "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR CHRISTIAN." I yelled, hitting the door.

Kallix was trying to break it. We asked for spare keys from the receptionist.

Unlocking the door....his wife....was lying....dead..... NO.. I was shaking..flashbacks of that bloodshed war and my mother lying dead... tears filled my eyes, and I was getting anxiety attacks..

I fell on my knees and started crying.... kallix ran up to me and pulled me into his arm, and tried to calm me.

Sofia! Where was she?

"So...fi..a." I uttered. " Find...Sofia kallix.."
"I can't leave you right now." Kallix said in worried tone.
"GO AND FIND HER.." I yelled as I forced myself to get up and started finding Sofia.. I couldn't find her. I can never forgive myself if something happens to Sofia.

"Vale!! Come here.. No stop stop. " I heard Kallix call me, but he was talking to someone like he's stopping someone. I ran to that room and saw Christian holding a gun, almost standing on the edge of the balcony..

I widened my eyes. "Christian.. look, we can talk about this.." I said anxiously. Christian laughed like a devil but more like a devil who had been stabbed a thousand times and is all in pain right now.

"For it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain in one's life." He broke into tears. I could feel his pain, really. I felt myself in his situation. "We can... we can take care of everything.. but throw the gun. Please, " I requested.

"This world was never for me,"


"So...fia," his voice broke. "Yes, my daughter. She finds happiness with you, Vale.. That day when you brought her at your place...and she..I was scared. I thought you would take revenge on me. But...she.."he laughed in pain." she was happy... like real one... so I have made plans for her better life... Adopt her... Tell her, you're her mother..give her love she deserves...my little princes..she must..get every happiness of world.."

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