10.Pool of blood

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Valeria's pov
The hall was filled with aromas of cigarettes and strong alcohol. I was getting sick. My eyes roamed around the hall, and somewhere behind the pillars, I saw a strange movement.

Assassin? The man ran as soon as he saw me, my eyes followed that man. He ran upstairs. Without wasting one more minute, I followed him upstairs.


I was standing at a corner,sipping my wine. I saw Valeria going somewhere. But she looked tensed and terrified. Maybe she got her periods? If yes..then of course she would be terrified,as she was wearing a white gown which makes the situation more horrible.


I was having a conversation with some important people. They had an important role in the Mafia world,but not as important as I did. I felt someone pulling my blazer,I glanced down, and it was Sofia.

I excused myself from the conversation.

"Tell me. Is there something wrong?"

"Have you seen my mom?"

"Your mom? No. Why?

"I can't find her."

"Maybe she's with Kallix. Did you check with him?"

"I can't find him either."

"Then they must be together. Don't worry."

"I am afraid if she's in trouble."

"Your mother is a killer queen. She will be fine -"

"FIND HER!" Sofia demanded,glaring at me with her hazel doe eyes which left me chuckle at her cuteness.
"Fine. Let me see."

I called Lorenzo and asked him to check the hall properly with other members.

After a few minutes later,Kallix and Lorenzo rushed to me with a worried expression plastered on their face. "We can't find her. Anywhere." Kallix said restlessly.

"What do you mean? She must be here itself.Where can she possibly go?"

"Wait!" Kallix said."I did see her....few minutes ago... she looked tensed and terrified. I thought she was going to washroom..maybe she got her periods. I asked Ruby to check there, but she isn't in the washroom. A staff member in the washroom said no one visited the washroom. "

"FUCK she must be in trouble. Check the CCTV footage of the last 15 minutes. Close the entrances. No one should leave this hall." I ordered.

"Here's the CCTV. It shows some strange movement behind the pillars, and it seems like Valeria had seen that, and after that, she runs after a man... upstairs." Lorenzo words rushed.

Three of us ran upstairs. The second floor is actually an abandoned floor. Quite dirty, slight amount of light,rotten dead smell. That's exactly how the second floor looked like.

There were three ways-left,forward, and right. Kallix took left ,Lorenzo went forward, and I? Ofcourse Right. But there was only one wooden door. I tried to open the door, but it was locked, I kicked it. The door broke and fell on the floor.

The room was filled with dust, a small broken window that only allowed a slight amount of light to enter the room. I walked in,little did my heart know Valeria is present here in this room, but I would check it thoroughly.

My eyes roamed the room and stuck somewhere in the middle. What I saw left me speechless. Tell me it's a joke, this is all a prank. It has to be a prank.

Five fucking dead bodies on the floor,the area was filled with their blood. It was like a pool of blood and a white gowned woman sitting in between those five dead bodies with a knife in her hand, which was dripping with blood. Valeria, yes! It was her. Her hand was bleeding in blood, a little amount of blood on her lips and the edges of her dress was luring in the pool of blood.

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