419 82 79

Cupid's Arrow
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The only way the bouncers could calm Shakthi down and make him sit inside the car was by playing a movie in one of their phones. They wondered how old was he, are their boss sure that he has crossed 20? Because they felt more as of they were babysitting.

Suddenly 403's excitement surged back upon receiving a notification from his meter. With widened eyes, he frantically scanned his surroundings, causing the bouncers to exchange nervous glances. They had no clue about the significance of his actions, but they were determined to keep him calm, knowing they couldn't afford another episode of chaos.

As 403 looked up he spotted the girl storming out of the bar, followed closely by Avi, 403 couldn't contain his excitement. He began to fidget in his seat, eager to act on the signal from his meter. Desperate to do it, he attempted to open the car door and leap out, but the bouncers swiftly intervened, preventing any further disruption.

Yenga boss unna ullaye vechika sonnaru

( Boss wanted us to keep you inside)

Na, vidhunga na!

( No, let me go!)

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, 403 leaped out of the car window like a daredevil, his heart pounding with excitement. He sprinted across the pavement, his feet barely touching the ground as he raced toward his target. Behind him, the bouncers trailed in hot pursuit, their shouts echoing in the night.

As he reached the designated spot, 403 skidded to a halt and turned, his eyes locking onto Avi standing at the pub door. Meanwhile, the girl remained oblivious to his watchful gaze, her focus solely on her phone screen.

With a determined glint in his eye, 403 retrieved his iPad. His fingers danced across the screen, summoning the mystical bow icon with a sense of urgency. With a flourish, he produced a gold, sparkly bow, its glow casting an ethereal light in the dim surroundings.

In one fluid motion, 403 notched a pink arrow onto the bowstring, his muscles tensing as he pulled back with all his might. The tension mounted as he aimed his shot, the arrow poised to pierce Avi's heart and ignite the flames of love. With a deep breath, 403 released the arrow, watching intently as it soared through the air toward its intended target.

Avi's mind was a jumbled mess as he watched the girl tapping away on her phone. He didn't know why he'd followed her all the way here. Maybe it was curiosity.

And then something happened. Out of nowhere, it felt like lightning struck him, like someone had punched him square in the chest. He gasped, clutching at his heart as if to make sure it was still there. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before, like an arrow piercing straight through him. But he couldn't see any arrow, just the aftermath of its impact.

Yennachu boss?

( What happened boss?)

one of the bouncers asked, concern etched on his face but Avi didn't respond.

Avi's eyebrows drew closer as he looked around. What was going on? Everywhere he looked, he saw hearts – on the streetlights, on the girl's clutch bag, even on his own watch and the car's back lights. The bouncer beside him looked even more concerned now, but Avi couldn't tear his eyes away from the surreal sight.

And then he looked back at the girl, and things got even weirder. It was like she was surrounded by some kind of magical aura, making her glow in the dim streetlight. Her skin seemed to shimmer, and her hair cascaded around her like a halo. Avi blinked, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. Was he hallucinating? Had he suddenly developed some kind of superpower?

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. This was crazy – there had to be a rational explanation for all of this. Maybe he was just tired, or maybe he'd accidentally ingested something he shouldn't have.


Avi snapped out of his trance as the bouncer shook him, his heart still pounding erratically in his chest. He tried to compose himself, brushing off the strange occurrence as nothing more than a temporary glitch in his senses.

Oru madhiri irukinga, yennachu?

(What happened? You seem unwell?)

the bouncer asked again, concern etched on his face.

Avi hesitated, then quickly fabricated an excuse.

Uh, gas problem,

he muttered, hoping it sounded convincing enough.

The bouncer nodded understandingly.

Kavala padhadhinga boss, unga room ku nanga ginger soda anupi vekirom

(Don't worry, boss. We'll send some ginger soda to your room.)

Avi nodded absentmindedly, his mind still reeling from what had just happened. He watched as the girl got into a cab and drove away, leaving him with an inexplicable tug at his heartstrings. It was as if an invisible force was pulling him towards her, making his chest feel tighter with each passing moment, he rubbed the spot. Avi couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter was somehow significant, but he had no idea why.

Andha ponnu bathrama veetuku poi serra varaikum follow pannunga

( I need someone to follow that girl until she reaches home safely)

Avi instructed to his bouncer and suddenly,


Avi's confusion only deepened as he turned to find Shakthi being carried by the two bouncers, his legs dangling in the air. Despite the bizarre sight, Shakthi wore a proud grin on his face, as if being carried like a VIP was the most natural thing in the world. Avi couldn't help but shake his head in bemusement, wondering what other attrocities Shakthi had in store for him.

Enakum ginger soda sollunga bro

( I need a ginger soda too)

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pleaseeeeee comment how it was, this is my first time writing in this narrative.

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