Chapter 2

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I've finished my dinner and oh thank the gods – my shackles and chains are finally removed.

My ankles are free and I'm ready to go flying!

My mates already misted out and now I stand below the hole in the cave ceiling.

I watch as an emerald green tail spirals in and curls for me to sit on as Hael lifts me out of my chamber.

When I'm taken out of the enclosed prison, I can finally take in the beautiful sky. Hael plops me on my feet and he looks back at me with Lochness, as they silently discuss the adventure.

I just watch the Twin Dragon Lords smiling at each other in their shifted forms.

"Oh, boy..." I narrow my eyes as I see Hael launch off the mountain and glide away into the low lying clouds.

Lochness turns to me and lowers his wing and his head, his emerald eye blazing.

I notice he's inclined his wing even lower, so I don't have to struggle up with a climb.

"I'm only showing a little, I'm still agile!" I remind Nessy. He doesn't engage in conversation, he just watches me as I hold up my skirts and I run up the rest of the length of his back to sit on his spine, "Alright, I'm ready, let's go!" I grin as I wait for the ride with my arms up. Lochness leaps off and I start to scream with true happiness, laughing – only to abruptly stop my cheering when his small dive abruptly levels off with the clouds and we fly gently, "Nessy! Faster! Pleeease!"

Lochness chuckles in my mind, but instead all he does is release a ball of flame from his fangs that light up the clouds a beautiful green around us. I open my mouth, almost about to say something dumb. But just for once I purse my lips and keep in my need to annoy him.

Lochness eases down in the flight, deeper into the clouds.

It was harder for him to read my brain while I was pregnant, some kind of protective instinct had enhanced my own ability to block him out if I really wanted. I strangely hadn't been rubbing it in and neither had he been asking what's on my mind.

But then again, maybe he didn't care that much. However, if I didn't think about the block, he could still get in. So I just naturally had my guard up, mostly to frustrate the Rogue and his brother.

My thoughts are distracted momentarily to the tree tops appearing below, along with the movement of Lochness as he banks off to the left and I can see more of the ground.

We have a special place to share with you. If you're grateful for it, maybe you'll get to sleep out in the warm air – our territory is heavily patrolled tonight, you can even wander if you like, Hael speaks in my mind, a rumble of assurance and generosity for a master.

One whole night and day of being imprisoned by her big bad mates, Nessy purrs, what a warrior she is.

"One whole night and day of being imprisoned and you've both already mounted me twice," I yell, "In the morning, then again! Then you let me cry and be all alone all day."

So you admit you missed us? Lochness asks, darkly curious.

"Y –no, ha, why would I miss either of you that much after a day, I'm just bored, and there's no wars, there's no trips to other Hordes or reasons to rebel since you're both so perfectly in control... I'm even stressed out that it's so boring now, okay? It's been way too peaceful these last... these last... th..." three months.

I shut my mouth as it dawns on me why the Requiem Horde isn't engaging in expansive or territorially aggressive and violent behaviour... no new slaves... no excessive punishments to the inferior mortals... because my mates are focusing entirely on me.

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