Chapter 4

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Lochness' POV

What has she become?

I shifted back to watch from the darkness of the forest, checking on my usually hot-tempered mate.

Hael was taming her and she was listening.

It was making me angry. In a way I never felt before. No. I was not mad at the mouse.

I was angry at my own brother. He placed her in the birthing chamber to finally teach her true Submission, no distractions... and he was gentle now.

I placed her in the birthing chamber because I wanted to see her reach a new level of spirit. I enjoyed the sharp bite of her tongue, the burning of her soul. Fuck taming her. I wanted her to struggle, to show me the beautiful way she was a perfect temptress.

Hael and I were completely different in the way he craved order – I needed the disorder. I needed to know I was strong in the chaos. He wanted to conquer, while I just wanted to cause disruption, to test the mice.

The Horde was displeasing to be around, I hated almost everything about it. My thoughts tended to my sole need to feel the kind of freedom that comes with fifty large fangs, hooked wings and the ability to read any mind I came across.

I now look at the ring Madeline gifted me. A ring she didn't gift Hael. She knew I was harder to pin. We had completely different relationships with her. While she knew that, I wonder if she realised she was the one thing that brought us back together.

Otherwise, I would have been in complete isolation, with my delightful and terrific plans of inflicting mortal terror. For the very purpose of finding...

Well, really, there was no other.

I found her.

My perfect obsession.

She was the spirit I had been searching for.

Every breath she took, every moan always coupled with a glare, her very unexpected laughs... Maddie... Madeline.

Little brat.

Perfect brat.

Fucking Hael.

Fucking my brother.

I shouldn't watch this. I should be a part of it – but my instinct right now is to steal. Even though she was ours.

I wanted her all to myself, especially when I see her now, losing herself.

I close my eyes, as I envision what I'm about to do.

I'm going to kidnap her.

Hael, you may be my beloved twin, but I need her more than you.

I'm done. I'm not going to share anymore.

My inner fire can't take this, as it swirls inside me, igniting a jealousy I've never felt before toward my own blood.

"Am I a good girl?" Maddie asks from the furs, my ears pick up on the sultry plea as she moves against him like she's dancing on his cock. Faking part-way.

I smirk.

Hael – you think you can break a slave. You have no idea how.

Maddie was mine. My little slave.

I'd do her just fine.

My way.

This act before me? Was going to end right now. I'd show him how.

Madeline's POV

I've slid my hands over Hael's chest as he hauls me up onto his naked thighs, as I look at his cock and I move up to sit down on it, riding him while his hands guide me and help me by holding onto my ass.

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