Chapter 5

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Madeline's POV

At some point I got tired of walking through the dark. Lochness scooped me up as I fell asleep in his arms, lulled by the sounds of the calm night. More than anything I needed a deep rest and I was too exhausted to stay alert any longer, nor did I have the heart to argue with my Rogue.

I dream so deeply that our journey is beyond me.

Lochness takes me somewhere special.

I wake up well rested, nestled in grey sheets, in a room with bone white furniture and glassy floors. It's now morning, the sun is shining through thick fog on the outside. If this was an Inn, it was ridiculously lavish. It feels more like a castle, but it's so quiet – I can't hear the sounds of hustle and bustle that accompanied such a life.

The bed is empty beside me, so I scuttle back and grab the sheets in my hands, screwing them up and holding them to my naked chest. Aside from being naked, my long red hair feels washed, soft and brushed. My skin is also supple and smooth. Like I've been bathed while passed out.

I wonder if hired help did that, or if it was Lochness?

Just as I'm thinking of my emotionally unhinged dragon lord, the whole room shudders violently with a loud thud. An antique lamp falls off it's screws out of the wall and smashes across the glassy floors.

I look out a large window with the curtains drawn either side, to see the giant head of a dragon tilt down to the window, a green eye spying me. His sword length fangs are covered in red blood.

You slept like the dead, Lochness drawls into my mind.

Where are we? I ask him.

A cursed tower, abandoned long, long ago... protected by a Rogue I just killed.

The noise of you fighting is probably what woke me from my slumber, I force on a smile, trying to make light of the situation.

I kill silently, mouse, Lochness mists around the window, toward an open ledge where the window is missing because it's been removed. Magic is the only explanation for how no fog seeps in here to rot the furniture. I wonder what tower this is, and where it's located?

Lochness solidifies before my bed, holding a long black claw in his hand as he stands before me, naked and splattered with blood he doesn't care to wipe off. He casually tosses me the opaque claw, it flips and stabs through the pillow next to me, sticking out of the mattress as feathers float around it.

A killed protector of the tower, a broken lamp, a stabbed mattress, what else is he going to ruin needlessly?

I pick up the talon anyway, "For me?" I ask, looking back to Nessy, only to see that he's disappeared.

Suspicious behaviour much – ?

Clang. Oh, nope, I can hear him in the connecting room, the sound of... ceramic?

I slip from the bed, naked with talon in hand as I walk around the room to see what the heck he's doing now. I stand between two lined pillars, as I see that Lochness has collected eggs, boiled them, peeled them, put them on a plate and now he is adding herbs he found from out in the wild which he rips from bunches. Of course he had no plate, he's belly is full. But he makes my breakfast look and smell appetising.

My stomach grumbles. Keep it together, Maddie. Without complaining and trying not to react to the psycho being overly generous and compassionate, I walk closer, I pull out a chair and sit down obediently. I pick up a fork and smash the eggs, mixing in the herbs he picked.

Lochness watches me, standing rather close, he doesn't want to sit.

I eat a mouthful in front of him and he is satisfied after I've chewed and swallowed the first amount. I'm also holding the talon in my left hand, the fork in my right.

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