Chapter 7

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Madeline's POV

Singing a little song and Slaying was easier than the task ahead of me.

But none the less, I'm going to try.

Here goes nothing.

Being submissive to my core.

Honestly? I'm scared. But let's see what happens.

Lochness' POV

I've returned with a bloody leg and shoulder, after failing to find a healer nearby who could do the bandages, I was at least able to buy a ball of them from a local weaver. I've returned to sit on the edge of the guest bed at the Little Rock Inn with the little brat still present.

Madeline had undressed for the bath and had been about to get in when I walked back in.

Unfortunately I had to tend to my wounds before I could do anything else. I unravel the ball of white gauze, wondering why Hael left her with me. I had thought he'd just take her. I had left before to test him – Hael surprised me by seemingly departing soon after just arriving.

Madeline did have a special way with him.

"Where's Hael, Maddie?" I ask while I take a look at the cut from elbow to shoulder, in mortal form it's more shallow and my Sky powers naturally speed up my healing compared to a lowly human. However, it's still going to take a day – so I'll have to cover the wounds my brother inflicted.

I had entered that fight with my guard down, expecting brotherly banter; but Hael almost took my head off. I deflected him with my tail, only realising too late that he was protecting our mate by sweeping in so aggressively. He didn't want me hurting her. He didn't care about me as much as he cared about the babies. Naturally, I understand – so I forgive him.

I had been so focused on figuring out how to begin with the bandage that I sparsely noticed the mouse tip toeing closer to the bed and I – ignoring her hot bath.

I pause to look up at her.

"Um.... Hael left to go back to the Horde," Madeline boldly takes the gauze from my hand and simultaneously kneels in front of me, between my legs, eyeing the wound on my arm with concern as she touches my wrist so I can twist my arm to show her the full thing, "He.... uh.... he advised... us to return by tomorrow night.... this looks nasty, I'll help, okay?"

"Advised? He ordered," I correct Madeline, knowing that's what she means but the cute little rat is trying not to hurt my feelings.

Madeline simply nods and catches my eye, saying softly, "I'm not a healer like Summer, but can I wrap your arm and leg for you?"

I look her up and down, blinking slow... she means it, but...

"No need," I murmur, hoping to reassure my love, I didn't want her working needlessly if I had the ability to do it – she had to rest and take care of herself. I try to read Maddie's mind out of curiosity, expecting the naturally strengthening mind-block she acquired with pregnancy to be fully in place – however... it's not there. She's torn it down. Letting me swim. I pause in confusion when I realise she's never ever dropped her shields this much. They're down. Completely down.

I don't hesitate further. I dive right in, no longer looking at her but looking within her.

Madeline is imagining the wound festering if she doesn't clean it, worried for my health. I don't want to break my exploration of her thoughts, so I just open my palm around the ball of gauze and let her take it. A moment later I feel it start to slowly wrap around my arm while I stay in her head. She probably thinks I'm just staring into her eyes, but I can't see physically around me anymore as I explore inside her mind as gently as I can. Understanding she just trusted me to take full control if I wanted. And to see whatever I wanted. I try not to touch a damn thing, just taking note of her soul, how it burns and why it burns with such a passion.

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