What the hell?!

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Seth and Richie were breathing heavily as they kept there guns out "let me see it"Seth says as Ritchie shows him his head as it was covered in blood as he cursed as the man Richie had kicked down earlier laughs gaining the two brothers attention.

"You think that's fuckin funny"Seth says before the two shoot him down as he falls to the ground dead.

Alana notices santanico stareing at Richie's bleeding hand as it was covered in blood as it drips to the ground as her eyes widen when the women as she slowly hisses as she starts to morph into a hideous creature with pale green scale like skin with green eyes with slits with pointy eyes and a set of fangs as she charges for Richie.

"Richie look out!"she warns but it was to late as she jumps into his back biting harshly into his neck as he whirls around "get this bitch off me!"he screamed in fear as blood rushed down his neck as Seth shakly reloaded his gun as santanico feeds form his neck as Alana quickly pulls her gun out shooting the bitch as she flys off Ritchie.

Richie falls to the ground bleeding heavily from his neck as Seth kneels down trying the stop the bleeding but it was no use he lost to much blood "fuckin bitch"he groans before dieing as blood covered his neck and chin.

Suddenly everyone they had shot came back with different monster faces and body builds with fangs"what the hell?!"Alana shouts as Kate screams in fear before she was pulled the her feet by her father and brother as they take shelter behind the bar as a war breaks out.

It wasn't just the man the dancers started to morph to as they hiss with fangs with monstrous faces. Tye bartender roared grabbing a man wearing black leather pants with boots and a black t shirt with no sleeves with a leather jacket who was known as sex machine as his crotch opened up showing a machine gun as it fires repeatedly as the monster flys back.

The women who had danced on there table early was shown slide a stone lock into place trapping the humans she had dark black curly hair with her boobs out with a white skirt with high slits as she turns around with a smirk leaning with her arms on the lock"dinner is served"she says as her face transformed into a monstrous one as well as some of the other dancers some more fucked up looking then most as they attack the truckers and bikers who screamed in fright as it turns into a blood bath.

The women who was dancing on a table in front of a dark skinned man named frost with a green jacket with a black t shirt with jeans and boots as he had a cigar in his mouth that she lit for him before her eyes changed to a light green as she hisses with a smile as her fangs appeared before he smacks her with a chair as she flys back with a screech.

The band transformed as well as they play music with dead body parts as everything was complete and other chaos.

Alan shoots at any who come her way as they screech falling back before her gun clicks as she tossed it aside she then climbed onto a table as she un ravel's her while as she snaps it out break a few necks here and there as she kicks one coming to the side of her as her heel stabs it in the eye as it falls back screaming.

Aan screams as the stripper on his transformed into a hideous monster making him scream as they glare before slicing his throat as blood splatters as body parts were flying everywhere as many were dieing one of the women who danced behind the pink glow walls they had transformed into hideous monsters as well killing man.

Seth swings with a broken pool staff as any who come near him"Jacob! Alana!"he yells as Jack was shown hiding behind the bar with his family as the blood bath continues as thean who the two brothers shot down was shown tearing apart a bikers neck before his eyes locked on Kate as he tossed the body to the side with a growl as he makes his way over before jumping on top of the bar making Kate back away with a scream.

"You know what everyone says about me I suck"he hisses with a smile showing his fang as she screams as he grabs her arm as she trys to fight him off before yanking her necklace off shoving it in his mouth as she sits back holding her brother.

The man groans as he literally starts to smoke before he started to melt away in black and green slime and blood as he deformed before his eyes burst spraying all over Kate as she screams before breathing heavily trying to wipe it off as they body fell back nothing but bones now

Frost was holding the women who danced on his table up as he kicks it over before throwing her over one of the legs as it pierced her chest before doing it to three others as he stands there breathing heavily.

Alana front flips off the table as she snaps her whip out as it latches onto a table as she pulls hard making the leg break as it flies into her hand as she puts her whip away before stabbing them in the chest left and right.

Seth turns around seeing santanico behind his with a smirk"let's see if you taste as good as your brother"she taunts as he shoots her making her fall to the ground before she gets back up with a glare as she stomps forward before punching him hard as he flys before landing on his back hard as the band continues to play through out the blood bath.

The sex machine dives onto a pool table dodging a stripper as he kicks her back making her screech before quickly getting up as he jumps to another pool table as another stripper jumps up with a roar as he was cornered he kicks one while the one beside him slashes at hik as he he breaks her arm before throwing her over as he then runs across the table dodging them before backflipping off the table as picks of a broken pool staff as he stabs one of the strippers in the chest as she screech's.

The bartender rips off a truckers arm with a smile before seeing the sex machine killing the strippers as they we in a pile as he growls climbing onto the bar as he roars jumping up as the sex machine quickly climbed down as the bartender lands on the pool table with a growl as he rips off his best showing a built chest with tattoos.

The sex machine tossed him the broken stick making him confused be his feet where pulled out from underneath him as he lands on his back as the sex machine quickly stabs him in the heart as he roars before melting away into nothing as the eyeballs roll into the hole.

The band stops playing as santanico walks over to a groaning Seth as she steps on his chest with her bare feet "I'm not gonna drain you completely you'll be my slave"she says as he shaking reloaded his gun "because I don't think your worthy of drinking human blood you'll feed off of stray dogs you'll be my foot stool and at my command you'll lick dog shit off my boot heel since you'll be dog you'll need a knew name spot"she says as he finally managed to get a bullet in as she had transformed back into his true form.

"Welcome to slavery"she growls.

"Hey you giant ass geko why don't you do us all a favor and die! "Alana yells before santanico growls as a whip wraps around her neck as she turns to Alana with her fangs bared"now Seth!"Alana says as Seth shoots up as sparks fly from the chain to the old candle chandelier above her as it breaks making santanico look up as Alana unraveled her whip as the chandelier falls onto her stabbing her in the chest as they stand around her breathing heavily from the fight.

Santanico goes back to her perfect look as she moans in pain before blue smoke formed around her with fire as she melts into black and green blood as her skeleton disappears.

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