Fighting for survival part 1

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Scott and Kate hug there father in relief"Jacob are you bit"Seth asked in caution before Jacob shows his bite mark.

"Shit"Alana whispered as she runs a stressed hand through her hair as the vampires continue to bang on the door as Seth curses about killing those camps as he hits the door.

"Seth enough right now we need to come up with a plan that door won't last long against there strength in numbers"Alana says before looking behind them at all the boxes and crates as she walks over a she opens them showing weapons "we can get out of here alive if we got weapons right"she says as they Walk over seeing the weapons as they share looks.

Soon they started gearing up as Alana reloaded her guns as she straps daggers onto her legs before picking up an axe as she twrils it with a smirk Jacob found a cross bow handing it to Kate as it was loaded with wooden stakes while Seth,scoots and Kate loaded us more guns before they were shown putting either holy water or gasoline in balloons and water guns.

Seth made a homemade stake weapon as he turns it on as a giant stake moves back and forth rapidly as he smiles as Jacob gently files crosses in the bullets before loading them up.

Seth was geared with garlic,holy water balloons and water run as he was ready as Kate, Seth and Jacob hold there weapons ready 

Alana wraps her whip as she sets it on her hips before strapping the axe onto her back as she was ready to fight.

"Let's kill these son's of bitches"Alana says as they turn towards the door ready as the vampires were shown slowly entering the hall again while Jacob prays over his kids as growls were heard as they all share looks it was now or never.

"Before we go any further I need you to promise me something I will fight with you to the bitter end but when I turn into one of them I won't be Jacob anymore I'll be a lapdog of Satan I want you four to promise to now that at that moment you will put me down"Jacob says to his kids, Alana and seth.

"I promise"Alana says.

"I promise Jacob"Seth says as Jacob waits for his kids to promise.

"Kate? Scott"Jacob waits for an answer.

"I promise "Kate says with tears as Jacob nods his head before turning to his son.

"Scott"he asked who nods his head after a moment of silence "yeah I promise"Scott says as Jacob was silent for a moment.

"Then why don't I believe you"he says to his kids who were silent "I'm gonna ask you two again you promise I want you to swear to go that you will do it that you will kill me if you don't I might as well just kill my self right now! Now since you need me I think you better swear Kate. Scott. Do you swear to God that when I become one of the undead you two will kill me "he asked firmly holding a gun to his head as his kids had tears in there eyes as Alana and seth wait at the door ready as Scott asked his kids again as he counted down.

"Okay I swear I promise I'll do it "Kate cry's.

"Good girl"Jacob says before turning to his son with the gun still pointed to his head"now Scott we have even less time so ive giving you to the count of three 1...2"he counted off.

"Okay okay I promise Ill kill you when you change "Seth says with tears as Jacob nods his head before looking at Alana and seth they were ready now.

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