Fighting for survival part 2

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Seth and Alana nodded there head as they hold there weapons ready as Seth starts his with a roar as the wooden stake moves back and forth rapidly as he kicks the door upon as vampires were shown hissing as Jacob stood forward with his hand made cross pushing the vampires slowly back as they exits out the room.

Jacob pushed the vampires all the way back into the bar as they step out the door with there weapons ready as the vampires growl and hiss as Seth closed the door behind him the vampires and them have a stare off before Seth nods his head "kill them all!"he shouts as an all out war happened as they spilt of killing vamos left and right.

Alana holds her two guns out shooting any camps coming her way as Seth threw a filled balloon as the vampire it landed on melts as Kate shoots vampires with her cross bow hitting them in the heart as they die instantly with flames.

Jacob use his home made cross keeping vampires back as he shoots here and there as they kill vampires as they shriek Seth use his mechanical stake as he kills many vampires staking them in the heart as it rips through the bodies blood splattering here and there.

Alanas guns empty before tossing them as she pulls out daggers throwing them in the hearts as the vampires shriek before she grabs the axe off her back and grabbing a piece of wood as she twirls them around as she cuts off heads and stabs hearts with a yell as blood splatters here and there.

Jacob cocks his gun cross as he shoots a vampire while keeping them at bay shooting another one as Seth throws many filled balloons as vampires melt before spraying them with the water gun as they shriek melting into green and black ooze with flames as Kate continues to shoot her crossbow killing any vampire that came at her.

Jacob Continues to shoot and hold vampires at bay a he backs up the stairs to the main entrance before hearing a hissing behind him a he turns around seeing a vampire before shooting it in the head.

Seth was having problems with his machine when sex machine drops from the ceiling going to bite him only to be smacked in the head by the machine in Seth's hand before yanking sex machines whip as the vampire rolled before getting back to his feet as he hisses.

Seth unravels the whip and snaps it around sex machines neck before yanking it as the vampire flys to the ground as Seth tightened is hold on the whip before yanking as the vampires head detached from its body as Seth kicks his head as it rolls to Kate who shoots it with an wooden stake in the vampires eyes  as Seth continues to throw balloons at vampires as the melt in flames.

Alana swings the axe with a yell chopping another s head off before twirling it as she cuts one in half before staking the vampire comeing up behind her with a glare breathing heavily before killing more vampires.

Seth machines body was shown still on its hands and knees as it morphs into something more horrible as it screech's pulling Seth to the ground as Seth whirls his machine up holding it off as best as he can as Kate walks over with her cross bow holding it steady as she whistle gaining the beast's attention as she seth pushed its head up as she shoots killing it as seth pushed the body off as its body burst into flames exploding after another stake was shot.

Jacob was shown breathing heavily as frost appears with a growl before Jacob stabs his gun through frosts waist as the vampire shrieks before Jacob sees vampires running over before he cocked the gun making frost jult the shoots the running vampires before doing it a couple more time before yanking the gun out before Frost shrieks as he melts and disintegrates a shis body falls to the ground.

Jacob turns seeing to vampires but they don't attack him as they just growl tilting there heads as Jacob lowers his gun as he cracks his neck slowly as Seth noticed "dad"he calls out before Jacob turns around with a hiss having turned into a vampire as he backs away with shock before seeing his dad's handgun on the ground as he remembers the promise before Jacob hisses charging forward biting into Seth's neck as he screams as blood runs down his neck before showing his dad off who growls as Seth grabs a balloon smashing it on his dad's head before bending down grabbing the hand gun as he cocks it as his dad's face was half melted off as a tear slides down Seth's face whispering a prayer before shooting as his dad exploded.

Kate whirls around as she watches her dad exploded "no!"she cry's before suddenly Seth was attacked by multiple vampires as he screams Kate goes to shoot but runs out of arrows as she tossed the crossbow and finding a gun as she picks it up Seth was screaming in agony as he begs his sister to shoot as tears slide down her face as she shoots causing her brother and the vampires to explode as nothing was left.

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