Part 8

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Ten Years Ago

Silence enveloped me as soon as I entered the library. As I made my way to the librarian so I could take over, I spotted a few students huddled together at one of the table while others preferred a more solitary mode of study so they sat all by themselves with books as their companions.

"Hi," I greeted the librarian with a small wave and a big smile. She was a stocky woman with light brown eyes and curly, dark hair which was tied up in a bun. She was wearing a silk white blouse with the name Pam pinned to her left breast along with a pair of black slacks. "My name is Saylor Rascow and I'm here for my shift."

"You applied for a position here?" Pam asked.

"Yes, part time position. I have some free time so I'm here to help," I said after a quick nod.

"Let me confirm your name and then I'll tell you what needs to be done," she told me with a smile before turning to her computer which was a giant iMac and pressed a few keys before a frown formed on her forehead. "I'm sorry, what did you say your name is?"

"Saylor Rascow," I answered.

After a few seconds she shook her head. "I'm sorry, your name's not on the list. Are you sure you applied for the position of the library assistant?"

My heart shuddered at her words. "Um yes. That was the only position available on campus and I even got approval after submitting my application." I opened the email app on my phone and pulled up the email which I received from the University telling me that my application had been accepted and approved. "See, this is the email I received."

She took the phone from me and read through the email. She looked at the computer for a short moment and then at my phone before handing it back to me.

"I'll just call and check," she said and called God knows who through the landline. I stood there with my toes moving up and down as I watched her speak to the person who should be telling her that I was indeed meant to work here. After five, excruciating minutes she hung up and gave me her full attention. "I'm sorry but your application was rejected. And they've already given the position to somebody else so it's no longer available."

My jaw dropped. "But I received the email. I just showed it to you. It came from the University, you saw the sender's email address, right?" I turned on my phone to show it to her once again but she just shook her head. "Yes, I understand but they accidentally gave the position to you when it was meant for somebody else. The person who sends out the emails made a mistake. I'm very sorry."

"Seriously?" Was all I could say because I couldn't believe what she was telling me. Ridgeview University was one of the best in the world. The staff was downright perfect according to the news. So how could they make a mistake? And even if they somehow sent me the wrong email, why didn't they sent one to give me the correct information? I wanted to ask the librarian this question but it wasn't her fault I got sent the wrong email. I'd just have to go and talk to student services.

I sighed and thanked her before trudging through the carpeted floors of the library in search of an unoccupied table. The library was huge and I really wanted to spend some time admiring every nook and shelf but I had more important things to do. With this job out of my hands I now needed to look for a new one because there was no way I'd be able to survive by just being a waitress.

Trying not to let dread take over, I pulled out my phone and began searching Google for jobs. It seemed Helena was busy right now otherwise I would've told her about Hunter and his stupid friends. Just because they were rich and powerful didn't mean they could dictate someone's life. I bet Hunter would be thrilled to hear I was no longer working at the library. What a jerk!

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