Part 9

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"Aren't you scared?" Helena asked as I furiously brushed the tangles through my hair.

I gazed at her through the mirror. "Scared of what?"

"Of Hunter. The man seems possessed. He just barged in here and dropped a feast for us. He said he'll come to take you to your so-called new home in two days but with the way he's behaving, I don't think he'll wait till tomorrow to drag you back," she said, gnawing on the skin of her thumb. She did that whenever she was nervous or scared but I couldn't understand why she'd be scared of Hunter.

"I'm not going anywhere with him and he can't make me," I stated, wincing as the bristles cut through a knot a little too harshly.

"He never cared about how stubborn you are and he won't care now." She stepped further into my room and perched on the edge of my bed. "Saylor, he just got out of jail and you know what prison does to people. I'm sure he's a bigger criminal now than he was ten years ago."

"I don't think so, Hels." I shook my head. "The news anchor said he returned from Switzerland. So we don't know when exactly he got out of prison. Besides, if he wanted to do something he would've done it by now."

Her eyes widened in disbelief. "What exactly are you waiting for him to do? He already stormed into your life and told you to shut down your business, then he comes to our apartment and tells you to eat the food he brought for you. What more do you want him to do? Kidnap you? With the way he's behaving, I'm sure that'll be his next move."

I sighed and tossed my hair back before focusing on the other half. "I'm done letting him take control of my life. I'll end him if he tries to kidnap me."

"So when he'll come to take you tomorrow, you'll tell him to fuck off? Hunter doesn't know the meaning of the word no when it comes to you," she said, something which I already knew.

"Of course. I've worked hard to build the life I have now. I won't let him take it away from me," I told her.

"Are you in denial or have you forgotten what he's really like? The man is obsessed with you from the moment he laid eyes on you and you know there's no room for common sense where obsession is involved."

"Can we stop talking about Hunter? We need to go to work," I snapped. Why was it so hard for me to forget about him and why was it so hard for him to stay away from me? He clearly knew I didn't want him in my life.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Helena asked, getting up from my bed. "There's still plenty of leftovers from last night."

I didn't want to eat the food he brought me last night because I didn't want anything to do with him, but I missed August's food and I hated that I wanted to go back to it. I needed to be stronger. I'd gone years without the amazing food, I could continue doing so.

The bell rang before I could tell her to microwave the leftovers. "Great, looks like your breakfast delivery is here."

"Don't tell me," I muttered as I stood up and tossed my hair back. I stormed over to the front door and opened it to see Hunter looking mouth watering in a burgundy shirt with with gray slacks and jacket. He flashed me a sensual smile which affected me way more than it should've. Even after a decade this man didn't fail to make my body react to him.

"Good morning, Lori," he said.

He didn't come alone. Three men in black suits and identical white shirts stood behind him holding trays covered with silver cloches like the ones his friends were holding last night.

"My name is Saylor. People who don't know me call me Saylor," I said.

Amusement twinkled in his eyes. "But that's the thing, I do know you..." he caressed the length of my arm, leaving goosebumps all over. "...a little too well."

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