Part 16

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Ten Years Ago

I willed myself to look at him but the shame whirling inside me prevented me from doing so. I could feel his eyes on me and the weight of them wouldn't let me go anywhere until I told him what he wanted to know.

"Th—there's not much to tell," I said, finding a sudden fascination with my nail beds.

Hunter didn't reply and the heaviness of his silence threatened to choke me. How could I think this man would let me go just because I wanted him to? But how could I tell him something I barely understood myself?

"My parents are nice. They've fed and clothed me all my life," I added.

"So they've done the bare minimum for you. That's good to hear." His words were so heavy with sarcasm it made me wince.

"No. They also sent me to school and made sure I got good education," I defended.

"Really? Public or private school?"

I pressed my lips together before answering, "Public."

"So they got you free education. Interesting. Go on," he prompted but I didn't know what else to tell him. His words were filled with ire and I didn't want him to lash out at me.

"You're angry. I—I think I should leave. I don't want to make you angrier."

His hand shot to grab my wrist before I could think about following through with my words. I swallowed hard at the intensity in his eyes.

"Oh no." He shook his head. "You're not leaving this place until you tell me everything."

"I already told you," I insisted but we both knew I was lying.

"You're afraid of them and I want to know why," he said and smirked. "Besides, you're mine now, so you can't exactly hide from me, darling."

"Th—that's not true. I'm my own person. I belong only to myself," I protested.

Instead of anger, his eyes sparked with amusement. "Correction: you were your own person until you decided to take the bet and lose. I found you, and now I own you." The satisfaction in his voice was jarring and it took everything in me to stay put and not run away. If I did, I knew he would catch me. His intentions were written all over his handsome face.

"It was just a game," I argued, futilely.

"Nothing's just a game for me, Saylor; especially where you're concerned. You'll do well to remember that. Now continue," he commanded but didn't let go of my hand.

"What else do you want me to tell you?" I asked in another attempt to stall him.

"I want to know the truth about your parents. Do you have siblings?" He enquired.

"Not really." I shook my head. "But I might as well do considering how much my parents love my cousins and are willing to do anything for them."

"And they don't love you?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure, to be honest. It doesn't seem like it as I'm nothing but an embarrassment for them. They never let go of an opportunity to tell the world they don't have any kids of their own."

He frowned and something dark flashed in his eyes. "Why is that?"

I shrugged once again. "They've never told me they don't love me but their actions speak otherwise. And the only explanation I can come up with is that they never wanted me."

Hunter shifted closer to me and I could feel myself relaxing as his body heat enveloped me. "Have they ever said those words to you?" He asked, his voice gentle.

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