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Y/N: derek morgan gets no bitches 🙏

Der: uncalled for

Emmy: she didnt lie tho 😛

Der: ill have u know that i just got a bitch last night

Papa pasta: Derek, you all came over for pasta last night, what bitch did you get?

Der: wdym there was that hot ass babe hanging round the pool 🥵🥵

Papa pasta: Other than us, the only person there was my daughter, Morgan.

Y/N: UHM 😭😭😭

Der: oh...

Papa pasta: Derek Morgan.

Hotchocolate: Run.

Der: on it

Y/N: so now that weve established that morgan just screwed papas daughter and hes chasing him what should we do today 😊😊

Emmy: arent u rossis daughter 😕😕

Hotchocolate: Prentiss, shut up. Y/N, today, you will be actually doing your work.


Hotchocolate: Strauss is pounding down on me because Dave decided to break things off with her.

Y/N: me when strauss 🤬🤬

Emmy: FR PRINCESS 🙏🙏🙏😫

Jay: When will you guys stop texting and do your work?

Y/N: dunno prolly when i die

Penny: ^

Der: truthfully tho

Papa pasta: Yeah that day would've been today if I wasn't old.


Emmy: derdick got lucky

Emmy: twice

Emmy: bros not used to that

Penny: 😹😹

Y/N: foul tbh

Der: i can get anyone i want

Hotchocolate: Let's not make that a bet.

Hotchocolate: Back to work.

Y/N: bAcK tO wOrK

Papa pasta: Princess, are you okay?

Emmy: shes fine ur just old

Der: i want to laugh but i fear rossi now

Papa pasta: You should.

Emmy: derek dont.

Y/N: morgan istg

Der: sexy 😼🥵

Hotchocolate: I'm so close to quitting, god help me.

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