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Y/N: did any of u send me flowers? Aaron says he didn't...

Der: nope but i wish i did 😫

Emmy: i did not 😞😞

Jay: Not me

Penny: i didn't but i so would have if you asked me to 😊😊

Y/N: luv u penny 😘

Penny: 😘

Papa pasta: I didn't! Sorry sweetheart.

Y/N: noooo its ok i was just wondering cuz this notes sort of...

Y/N: intimate, if u will...

Spence: It wasn't me!

Y/N: ok so it was nobody i know

Y/N: in conclusion

Emmy: princess has a stalker??? 😦😦

Y/N: yup 😛😛

Y/N: cant believe someone wants me this much how sweet 🥲🥲

Hotchocolate: ???

Emmy: calm down lover boy

Der: if anyone hurts our princess they gon' pay 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Emmy: TRUTH‼️

Penny: got my pepper spray ready!!!

Hotchocolate: I agree.

Y/N: duh u have to agree 🥱🥱

Hotchocolate: You're lucky I love you.

Y/N: love u too 😘😘😘

Der: ew

Hotchocolate: Stfu.



Der: bros hanging round princess too much 💀💀💀

Hotchocolate: And you've been dropped on your head too much.

Der: UHM ⁉️⁉️😕

Y/N: yeah i can see the dent in ur bald shiny head

Emmy: truthfully the baldness just adds to the dimension

Der: r we gonna keep talking ab my hair or r we gonna try and find princess' stalker??

Y/N: what hair?

Hotchocolate: Okay enough. Y/N, we're staying with Rossi for a little while until it all cools down.

Der: shouldnt we try to find the guy???

Hotchocolate: It's safer this way.

Y/N: aaron im a big girl, we can try to find out who it is.

Hotchocolate: This is not up for discussion.

Y/N: whatever. not coming home tn dont wait up.

*Y/N left*

Hotchocolate: Oh my fucking god.

Der: yeaaaa u fucked up my brotha 🥱

Hotchocolate: All I want to do is protect her and she just doesn't care.

Papa pasta: Aaron, come to my office.

Der: can i come too? ive got my opinions...

Emmy: same

Papa pasta: Everyone come.

Spence: Okay!

Penny: wait for me!

Hotchocolate: Okay so I guess everyone is going to have a little chat about my relationship issues?

Hotchocolate: Yes?

Hotchocolate: Perfect.


A/N: i think ive finally figured out where this story is gonna go! ive just been winging it so far so!!

but yeah a lil angst 😛😛😛

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