The River

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"Great job guys." Alexis says as the group finishes repairing the damages to the house.

"Now that looks like a real home." Snow White says.

"Yep. I could get used to that." Arthur says before the twin brothers bring over a machine that makes copies of Snow White's drawing.

"It's a perfect copy of my drawing. That's incredible." Snow White says happily.

"Let me try. This will definitely make it easier to find your dad." Merlin says as he turns the handle on the machine.

"Unfortunately this thing ain't flying. It's grounded." Noki says as he gestures to his robot machine.

"Why does it need to fly?" Alexis asks.

"The posters are no good if we can't distribute them fast." Pino says.

"Makes sense." Alexis says.

"Guys thank you so much for everything you're doing." Snow White says as she hugs Pino, Noki and Kio.

"I have an idea." Merlin says as he looks at a broom stuck in a tree.


"That was a really good idea Merlin." Alexis says as she is later walking with Merlin.

"Thanks. I just wish I hadn't caused us to crash. Now we've gotta go find Red Shoes." Merlin says.

"Yeah..." Alexis says.

"You alright?" Merlin asks concernedly.

"Yeah. I've just got things on my mind is all." Alexis says.

"Like what?" Merlin asks curiously.

"Well Merlin how do you feel about animals? More specifically wolves?" Alexis asks nervously.

"I don't dislike them. Why do you ask?" Merlin asks.

"I don't know. I guess I've just been having some mixed feelings about things. Things I've always wanted to hide away before because I was worried how people would look at me." Alexis says as she runs her arm.

"Well, I know what it's like to look different on the outside from what you feel on the inside. So don't ever feel you have to hide things from me. I'm always happy to lend a listening ear." Merlin says as he smiles at Alexis.

"Thanks Merlin." Alexis says as she smiles at Merlin before the two sit down on a log.

"You're welcome milady." Merlin says.

"Merlin do you think we'd be happier if we were looked like the people we want to look like? You know. Didn't have any flaws or anything that made us different?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Yep. Yep, yep. Definitely we would." Merlin says.

"I don't know. I like how we are. And for me that's saying something. I've never truly been happy with myself. But with you I don't feel that way. I like how things are right now." Alexis says as she smiles and blushes.

"Even if I'm an ugly green monster?" Merlins says as he playfully makes a face.

"I don't care about your height or what colour you are. And that's the way you feel about me right?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Yes of course. I mean duhh!" Merlin says as Alexis smiles at him before learning toward each other and kiss only for Merlin to pull back immediately.

"What is it?" Alexis asks before Merlin covers her eyes.

"Wait. Keep your eyes closed and don't open them until I say. When you open your eyes there will be... a handsome man in front of you. Someone worthy of you. Someone you'd be proud to be seen with." Merlin says as he stands up.

"I think you're right." Alexis says as she chuckles and closes her eyes.

"Ready? And... Now! Ta-da! You just got Merlined! What do you think? Mission impossibly handsome right? Oh it's okay I know this is a lot to take in. But you can let your happiness flag fly. This is the real me. Wait a minute! My hands are still green sausages. No! I look the same." Merlin shouts in alarm as he sees his appearance hasn't changed.

"Yes impossibly handsome." Alexis says as she smiles.

"This doesn't make sense. You and Red Shoes are the most beautiful women in the world. Why do I look the same?" Merlin asks in alarm.

"What're you talking about Merlin? You're not making any sense." Alexis says with hurt in her tone as Merlin continues to ramble before Snow White comes running over being chased by a giant monster.

"Hurry!" Merlin shouts as the group begins running.

"What is that?" Snow White asks as the monster chases the group.

"This kingdom has a serious monster problem." Merlin says as the group runs toward a gorge only to end up being chased by two more large monsters.

"What do they want besides smashing us?" Snow White asks as the group is running.

"I don't know! The old me would've nailed that. You just got Merlined!" Merlin shouts as he blasts some magic lightning causing a rock fall to hit one of the monsters and send it into the river before a large boulder lands in front of the group.

"That was close." Alexis says.

"But not close enough. Hurry! Red, Alexis close your eyes." Merlin says as the group is running and trying to avoid getting hit with boulders.

"This is no time for kissing Merlin." Alexis says.

"Trust me. Close your eyes. Please close them! That was too close. Don't look at me. You see that tree on the other side of the bridge?" Merlin asks as Alexis and Snow White do as Merlin says as look away from him and see a bridge with a tree on the other side.

"Yeah." Alexis says.

"On my signal run towards it as fast as you can." Merlin says.

"No I can't leave you here." Snow White says.

"You have to. And don't look back okay? Look right at that tree until I say it's safe. Promise you won't look." Merlin says.

"Okay we promise." Alexis says.

"Now!" Merlin says as Alexis and Snow White run to the other side of the bridge and get to the tree before Merlin then defeats the monsters.

"Merlin! Oh thank goodness." Alexis says in relief as Merlin comes over.

"I have triumphantly saved the day." Merlin says before a wooden creature grabs him from behind and falls into the water with him.

"No!" Alexis shouts before she and Snow White dive into the water revealing themselves to Merlin as they save him from drowning before making it to shore and falling unconscious as some bears come over.

Meant To Be Red Shoes And The Seven Dwarfs Merlin X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now