Chapter 7: Quest for the Enchanted Feather

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One sunny afternoon, as the Creek kids gathered near the overgrown thicket, Kelsey approached Raven with a glint of excitement in her eyes.

"Raven, I've got a quest! There's a legendary feather said to grant the finder extraordinary courage. Wanna come with me to find it?" Kelsey asked, her enthusiasm infectious.

Raven smiled, intrigued by the prospect of an adventure. "Absolutely, Kelsey. Lead the way!"

Following Kelsey's map through winding trails and secret passages, the duo found themselves standing before a rickety bridge. A deep voice echoed from beneath.

"Halt! Who dares cross Roger's bridge?" called out Roger, the bridge troll, emerging from the shadows beneath the bridge.

Kelsey stepped forward, a determined expression on her face. "We seek the legendary feather that lies beyond this bridge, noble troll!"

Roger, towering over them with a playful glint in his eye, responded, "Ah, the legendary feather, you say? To cross, you must answer my riddle."

Kelsey, ever ready for a challenge, nodded. "Hit us with your best riddle, Roger!"

Roger cleared his throat dramatically. "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?"

Kelsey furrowed her brow in concentration, but Raven, with a mysterious smile, spoke up confidently. "An echo."

Roger beamed. "Correct! You may pass, quest-seekers."

As Kelsey and Raven crossed the bridge, Roger's eyes lingered on Raven in a way that hinted at more than just the usual curiosity.

The quest led them deeper into the heart of the Creek, with challenges and puzzles that tested their wit and teamwork. Throughout the journey, Raven's calm demeanor and easygoing nature had a subtle effect on Roger. Unlike the others who found Roger's presence intimidating, Raven engaged him in conversation, learning about his love for riddles and the stories of the Creek.

At the quest's culmination, they reached a hidden clearing where the legendary feather rested on a bed of moss. Kelsey, with a triumphant grin, picked up the feather.

"This is it! The legendary feather of courage!" Kelsey declared, waving it with pride.

As they prepared to head back, Raven, with a knowing twinkle in her eye, approached Roger. "Thank you for the riddles, Roger. They added an extra layer of magic to our quest."

In a graceful motion, Raven left a small, intricately wrapped package by the bridge.

"What's this?" Roger asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Consider it a token of our appreciation," Raven replied mysteriously.

As the Creek kids departed, Roger unwrapped the gift to find a carefully crafted riddle book, a collection of puzzles and mysteries to keep him company. The unexpected gesture warmed Roger's heart in a way he hadn't anticipated.

Over the next few days, Roger found himself glancing at the riddle book, his heart beating a little faster each time he thought of Raven. The mysterious enchantment of Raven Noir had woven its way into Roger's trollish heart, and, for the first time, the bridge troll discovered a new kind of magic within the Creek—a budding crush that echoed like a riddle in his chest.

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