Chapter 4

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The direction of our influences.


Her name was Kenzlee Mitchell.

How did I know her name, you ask?

I knew her name because, while second and third period had been a struggle, fourth period had been a special kind of hell.

Lars and Hunter had known immediately that something was off when I had stormed into second period, all pissed and distracted, but I had waved them off with the promise to explain later. I also couldn't tell you what I was supposed to be learning in third period because I had still been pissed and distracted, even then. However, when Kenzlee had waltzed into my fourth period class, and Mrs. Thompkins had made a brief introduction, I knew that I was fucked.

Even her name had me fucked-up. Why couldn't she have a normal fucking name? What the fuck was wrong with Jennifer or Sarah? No. This goddamn girl had to go and have a Disney name, and I knew my Disney princesses. I've read enough of those Disney stories to Edie when we were little to know a fucking princess when I saw one. Now, while I knew Disney didn't have any princesses named Kenzlee, her name just sounded like it could belong to one.

I had spent forty minutes trying to remain seated in my chair as I burned a hole clean through the back of her head all through fourth period. There had been an empty desk in the front row of the class, and she had planted her fine ass in it the second that Mrs. Thompkins had finished introducing her to the class. Much to my annoyance, when Ryan Sturgess had looked over at her and smiled, I had wanted to beat his face in with my fists. The only reason that I hadn't was because when she had returned his smile, it'd been done out of politeness, and she hadn't further engaged in getting to know him.

When the bell had rung for lunch, I had stayed seated until Kenzlee had been safely out of the classroom, and I couldn't accost her.

Now, Hunter and I were sitting at the table that Lars, Hunter, and I always sat at during lunch, and we were waiting for Lars. His fourth period was in the D-Section, the farthest classrooms from the lunch square. We always ate outside, even if it was raining. The tables had umbrellas to ward off the heat from the bright California sun or the rain on its depressing days.

"So, what the fuck is up your ass?" Hunter asked right before popping a fry in his mouth. We always opted for the concession stand food rather than whatever they were serving in the cafeteria.

"I'm only doing this once," I replied. "Let's wait for Lars." Just then, I spotted Lars making his way to our table with his lunch.

"Thank fuck, already," Hunter grimaced. "Now, out with it, Tal."

Lars' brows furrowed. "Yeah," he chimed in. "What the fuck was up with you during second? You looked like a Friday night before a fight, dude."

I wasn't sure if I was going to sound like a pussy or an asshole, because how did you explain something like this? I wasn't a fucking girl. I didn't gossip or talk about females. I didn't doodle girls' names on my notebook or fantasize about my future wedding. Hell, I wasn't even sure of what I was feeling to even explain it to Lars and Hunter. I just knew that she made me...feel.

Without looking up from my tray of food, I asked, "Have either of you met the new girl yet?"

Lars let out a low whistle, and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "Are you talking about that fine piece of ass wearing that white button-up?"

Hunter groaned. "Why do chicks do that shit? Females in men's button-ups should be fucking outlawed. And then people wonder what makes men stupid," he grumbled.

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