Chapter 23

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The hope that saves us.


Talon dragged me through the crowd until we came upon an old maintenance room. Because the garage was abandoned and unused, the only light coming through the room was from a window aligned near the ceiling. I wasn't going to lie. The place looked like a serial killer's ideal lair.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Kenzlee?" Talon snapped, and whatever was left of my heart began to crumble.

I'd been right; he didn't want me here.

I was unwelcomed.


"You can't come here without telling me, White," he continued, surprising me. "It gets crazy, and you can't be out there without Lars and Hunter or one of them. You or Alex could get hurt."

"You would care if I got hurt?" I blurted the question out because I hadn't expected him to admit to caring about me in any capacity after what happened at the park.

He looked like my question had caused him physical pain. "Kenzlee..."

The tears started, but I was beyond what my pride was demanding of me. I wanted Talon to love me more than I wanted millions of dollars, and I didn't care if that made me the biggest fool on the planet. I could live with being a fool. I could live with being labeled a fool who had done everything that she could to save a love that I knew I wasn't going to get from anyone else. What I couldn't live with was the doubt and cold pride for the rest of my life.

Talon might tell me to get lost, but at least I'd be able to walk away without any regrets that I wished I had tried harder.

"Talon, I know don't want me anymore, but-"

"Kenzlee," he groaned right before his hands captured my face, and he slammed his lips down on mine.

My knees gave out on me.

My knees weakened, but Talon's arm came around me. With one hand cupping my face and his other arm wrapped around me, holding me to him, he kissed me like he was drowning, and I was his only chance at air.

He only pulled away long enough to chant, "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." I was sobbing in his arms, but that wasn't stopping his kisses or his confessions of regret. "I'm sorry, White. I'm so fucking sorry."


Talon made me weak.

Or maybe it was strong.

Maybe he was making me strong enough to push past what would make my pride happy, and give in to what made my heart, soul, and mind happy. "I love you, Talon," I blubbered between kisses. "I'm sorry if I-"

Talon stopped kissing me, and taking my face in his hands, his blue eyes stilled everything in me. His voice sounded rough and painful when he said, "You have nothing to be sorry about, Kenzlee. God, you have nothing to be sorry about, baby. This is me. This is all on me, and I will do whatever the fuck that I need to in order for you to forgive me. I will do anything."

I looked into his beautiful eyes and bared my soul. "Tell me that I'm not...tell me that I'm not a waste of your time," I sobbed. "Tell me that I'm not a waste...of your love. Just...Talon, tell me that I'm not a waste." The last part was said on an agonizing whisper because that was my biggest fear. Without Kaden in my life anymore, my existence was wasted on a world that could do without me.

Talon's forehead dropped on mine, and his hold on my face tightened. "Kenzlee, I need you to do something for me, okay?" I nodded, willing to lay my soul at his feet. "I need you to love me enough to erase yesterday from your mind, baby. I need you to erase it from your mind because I didn't mean a word of any of it."

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