Chapter 8

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The view we sometimes fail to see.


And a hush fell over the crowd, folks.

I wasn't sure what second and third period had been like for Kenzlee, but for me, they had been pretty much the same; stares, little whispers, and curious glances. However, when Kenzlee walked into fourth period, the entire classroom shut down as if she had just walked into class holding the cure for cancer in her hands.

The real surprise though?

Ms. Prim & Proper stormed right up to me, slammed her books on my desk, then seethed, "Did you go online and...and..."


She was so pissed that she was sputtering, and I wanted to laugh. Instead, I stood up. "Did I go online and what?" Kenzlee's eyes looked like golden flames. "Sit down," I ordered. "We'll discuss this at lunch."

Her good breeding had her picking up her books and heading towards the desk that she had sat in yesterday. I watched her go as Miles Denton leaned over and said, "I don't mind switching with her."

Normally, I'd be leery about someone offering a random favor, but Miles always seemed cool, and we'd never had any issues, so I nodded my head. "Appreciate it, man."

I headed towards Kenzlee's desk, grabbed her backpack, then snatched her by her upper arm. "You're sitting in the back with me," I told her.

"The hell I am," she hissed.

"Is there a problem?" Mrs. Thompkins asked.

My head turned back to address her. "Miles is having problems seeing the board," I lied. "He'd like to switch desks with Kenzlee." I looked back down at the girl whose eyes were shooting fire at me. "But I guess Kenzlee isn't feeling like being charitable towards Miles." I smirked, and I thought she was going to claw my face off. Kenzlee's been doing her best to act polite and accordingly, and here I was, ruining her preferred image.

She peered around me at Mrs. Thompkins. "Of course, I don't mind switching with Miles, Mrs. Thompkins," she said, now the one lying. "Talon was just helping me gather my stuff."

I could hear the smile in Mrs. Thompkins' voice. "Oh, that's awfully nice of you Kenzlee." Turning, I headed back towards my desk, knowing that Kenzlee was following.

The second that her ass hit Miles' old desk, she leaned over and spat, "Are you out of your fucking mind?"

I laughed.

This girl was going to beat me bloody, then chop my body up into tiny pieces when she finally got tired of my shit.

And I couldn't wait.

I couldn't wait to see this monied-class girl snap and lose control. I was hoping that she'd lose control naked underneath me, but odds were the chopped with an axe bit would most likely occur first.

I leaned back towards her. "I already told you this morning, whether you like it or not, we're doing this," I reminded her.

Kenzlee faced back towards the front of the class, and she was jerking her book open and getting ready for some learning with motions so strong that I feared that she'd pull a muscle. "No, we are not," she argued in a whisper loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh, but we are, White," I said just to antagonize her. Mrs. Thompkins droned on about where to open our books to and what was on the agenda for today, but all I could focus on was the fuming beauty sitting next to me. Kenzlee had called to me from the beginning, but now? Well, now I wanted to break her. I wanted to watch all that prim and proper breeding crumble around me. I wanted to see the real Kenzlee. I wanted to see the real emotion inside her. Not the irritation that she felt for me. Not the anger that she felt for her situation. Not the frustration that she did her best to tap down.

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