Chapter 12

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The instincts we feel to self-protect.


I had Kenzlee pressed up against a huge oak tree with my arms on either side of her, caging her in. I loomed over her, pissed that she had given that tool two years of her life. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?" she asked, grinding her teeth.

"Were you really dating that asshole?"

"You don't even know him," she said, defending him. "How can you possibly know if he's an asshole or not?"

"Because I know one when I see one," I snapped.

Her lip curled. "Takes one to know one, is that it?" she retorted.

My hand grabbed a hold of her chin, and I squeezed. "Don't fuck with me, White," I growled. "Did you date that fucking tool?"

"What does it matter?" she spat. "My life before now is none of your business."

I didn't comment on how she had let it slip that her life before now was none of my business, but I couldn't stop the pang in my chest from her words. "Everything about you is my business," I argued. "Including if you were fucking that asshole or not."

Her face was beautiful, perfect outrage. "I was not fucking him!" she yelled. "He was my boyfriend for two years! We...we..."

I could feel rage unlike anything that I'd ever experienced before course through my body. I wasn't pissed that she wasn't a virgin because I was not about to be a hypocrite. My rage was a direct result of not knowing what that jackass meant to her. "You guys, what? Made love? Was he your first and only?"

Her light brown eyes narrowed furiously. "Yes! He was my first and it wasn't sleazy!"

He might have been her first, but I was going to be her last. "Do you still love him?"

Kenzlee's head reared back, and her disgusted expression was genuine enough that it went a long way to calming me down. "Of course, not," she frowned. "We broke up over a year ago."

Because I was done letting Kenzlee adjust to our relationship, I said, "I don't want to see you ever talking to him again."

She smirked, and my hand on her chin tightened as she huffed, "So, as long as you're not seeing it, then I can talk to him all I want?"

That was it.




My mouth slammed down on hers, and it was everything that I was certain would drive me out of my mind, or rather, more than I already was.

Kenzlee's hands latched onto the waistband of my shorts, and I could feel her fingers curl and dig into the fabric. My hand slid from her chin and across her jaw until I had it fisted in her hair. My left hand was digging into her hip, much like her hands were digging into mine.

I was already fucked, but the second that she opened her mouth to let my tongue in, I knew that I was never going to let this girl go.

Not fucking ever.

This was our first real kiss, and my body was on fire for it. The buzz that I always felt whenever I touched her had exploded into a full-on electrical storm. The sensation was like catching lightning in a bottle and drinking from it. Kenzlee's hot breath tasted sweet and addictive.

I broke off the kiss long enough to tell her, "No one ever touches you again, White. You're mine."

My knees almost gave out when she whispered, "Talon..."

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