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"After all these years, feel it closing around my throat like a dog collar

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"After all these years, feel it closing around my throat like a dog collar." older rose spoke, as the camera pulls back to show older Rose's whole face.

Severus Snape found himself swallowing the lump in his throat, she looks just like Lily he could see it more clearly from up close, even when she's old, from her eyes that haunt him with the same colour of blue of his enemy on lily's face. Perhaps that's why he didn't like her before, it was like her face was taunting him that he lost to James Potter.

"I can still feel it's weight. If you could have felt it, not seen it..." older rose spoke in remembrance.

"Well, that's the general idea, my dear" Lovett replies "So let me get this straight, you were gonna kill yourself by jumping of the titanic?" Bodine cuts in "that's great!"

"Is he being serious? Justin Finch-Fletchley said dumbfounded, many people thought the same thing, of course this guy didn't know but he was talking to the chosen one! anyone would rather be caught dead then having been caught saying that to her.

"Lewis" says Lovett warningly as Rose laughs with Bodine. "All you had to do was wait two days" Bodine continues laughing.

"Seriously, isn't he supposed to be a researcher? Surely he would be more responsible and that's kind or rude to the people who lost their lives that night." Hermione says frowning disapprovingly, to which Molly Weasley whole heartedly agreed.

Lovett, standing out of Rose's sight line, checks his watch. Hours have passed. This process is taking too long. "Rose tell us a little bit about the diamond, what did you do with that?" Lovett asks seriously.

"Jesus, all they care about is the diamond!! They're pretty selfish" a 3rd year Slytherin speaks loudly earning looks from the house of Salazar, that he didn't seem to realise until his friend nudged him pointing to the people that were giving him dirty looks.

"I'm afraid I'm feeling a bit tired, mr Lovett" Rose replies, Lizzy picks up the cue and starts to wheel her out.

Rose smirks, happy that she didn't lose her fiery temper, after all she knew her older self wasn't tired at all, she just wanted to make them wait.

"Wait! Can you give us something go on, here. Like who had access to the safe. What about this Lovejoy guy? The valet. Did he have the combination" Lovett asks being persistent.

"Seriously, doesn't he get the cue to leave her alone, she's an old woman for goodness sake, give her time to answer" Mcgonagall glares at the screen defending the younger potter.

"Bloody mate, these people are really annoying me they should be lucky their even getting a story." Ron grumbled looking at the screen in distain.

"That's enough" Lizzy says sharply as she takes Rose out. Rose's old hand reappears at the doorway in a frail wave goodbye.

Hermione smiles, realising that her friends temper has been passed down to Lizzy, Lizzy was clearly a kind girl like Rose, but when she has had enough she isn't afraid to say it.

Rose looks at the screen in confusion, she could have sworn Lizzy has Jacks eyes, but that's impossible. It's probably a trick in the light anyways, but she couldn't shake of the feeling that it might had not just been a trick in the light.

As the big hydraulic jib swings one of the Mir subs out over the water. Lovett walks as he talks with Bobby Buell, the partners' rep. They weave among deck cranes, launch crew, sub maintenance guys.

"The partners are pissed." Buell grumbles.

"My older self might have gave it to them if they had actually let me speak, and had not been so focused on the diamond" rose spoke thoughtfully staring at the scene.

"Good, we may not be the richest, but if I was in that situation I would have gave it away to the muggles! aswell had they been polite" Arthur Weasley adds looking at her with approval.

"Bobby, buy me time, I need time!" Brock says realizing that's the only solution "we're running thirty thousand a day, and we're six days over. I'm telling you what they're telling me. The hand is on the plug. It's starting to pull"

"They shouldn't have been so confident that they were gonna find the diamond in the first place." Tonks says changing her nose to a pigs nose.

Brock turns and sees Lizzy standing behind him. She has overheard the last part of the dialogue with Buell. He goes to her and hustles her away from Buell, towards a quite spot on the deck.

Draco Malfoy winces, having been on the end of Rose's temper he couldn't help but feel sorry for the mudblood.

" Hey, Lizzy. I need to talk to you for a second" Brock tries, "Don't you mean work me?" Lizzy shoots back. "Look, I'm running out of time. I need your help" Brock tries to be reasonable with her knowing she's one of his last hopes in getting the diamond. "I'm not going to help you browbeat my hundred and one year old grandmother!"

Rose smiles, her heart feeling warm at the sight of her granddaughter defending her when she is vulnerable.

"your a hundred and one!" Ron's mouth goes agape, Hermione shot him with a glare and hit his shoulder with a book 2 times.

"Lizzy... you gotta understand something. I've bet it all to find the Heart of the Ocean. I've got all my dough tied up in this thing. My wife even divorced me over this hunt. I need what's locked inside your grandma's memory." Brock says pleadingly.

"He shouldn't have bet all that over it, knowing he might not get it. It's not fair on rose" Ginny sighs.

He holds out his hand showing it to Lizzy "you see this? Right here?" She looks at his hand, palm up, empty. Cupped, as if around an imaginary shape.

"What?" Lizzy asks a bit confused, "that's the shape my hands gonna be when I hold that thing. You understand? I'm not leaving here without it."

Dumbledore sighs, while he admires the man's determination it isn't gonna get him anywhere. sometimes you just need to take the hint.

"Look, Brock, she's going to do this her way, in her own time. Don't forget, she contacted you. She's out here for her own reasons, God knows what they are." Lizzy reasons with him.

Rose nods, she has her theory that it's probably to get closure, but she isn't quite sure yet.

"Maybe she wants to make peace with the past." Lovett says, "What past? She has never once, not once, ever said a word about being on the Titanic until two days ago." Lizzy sighs.

Rose sighs knowing her theory is correct, she probably wanted a new start after leaving Hogwarts into the muggle world and didn't want to talk about it so she just pretended she never went their. Perhaps she perused her dream as an actress.

"Then we're all meeting your grandmother for the first time." Says Lovett. "You think she was really there?" Lizzy says looking at him hard "oh yeah, I'm a believer. She really was their" Lovett says in a knowing voice.

To rose, it quite hurt realising her granddaughter didn't really believe her, but then realised that if she was in the same situation she would do the same, but then again it still hurt because even someone who knew her for a day believed her.

A/N: updates are every other day! Sometimes I will post two chapters in one day, sometimes I won't! make sure you have ate, drank, and have got some sleep if you haven't already!🫶🏼🫶🏼

Also, sorry for the small chapter!

Also btw, I'm also gonna make some edits of the fanfictions i post, I haven't gotten around to doing them yet but I'm gonna make some today, feel free to follow if you wish my new account is 'leonardodicaprioswifex'

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐒, wtm titanic x Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now