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[the question is rhetorical because she has already grabbed the book. She sits on a deck chair and opens the sketchbook. On jack's sketches each one an expressive little bit of humanity: an old woman's hands, a sleeping man, a farther and a daughter at a rail. The faces are luminous and alive. His book is a celebration of the human condition]

A lot of people couldn't help but gape at the blondes such talented art work, they couldn't help but notice how much time he must had put into doing that without the option of magic.

"Jack these are quite good! Really, they are"

"Well, they didn't think to much of'em in Paris." Some loose sketches fall out and are taken by the wind. Jack scrambles after them catching two, but the rest are gone, over the rail.

Rose looks down guilty, feeling a few of the pointed stares of her classmates.

"Oh no! Oh, I'm so sorry. Truly!" "Well, they didn't think too much of 'em in Paris"

"But their so good?" A 1st year slytherin asks confused on why no one would want this talented guys artwork.

He snaps his wrist, shaking his drawing hand in a flourish "I just seem to spew 'em out. Besides, they're not worth a damn anyway."

Rose frowns at that, Jack's artwork was like no others she had seen, he analysis the objects/people and lays it out carefully on the paper, she sometimes couldn't help wonder why people never appreciated someone like Jack, someone to pure.

For emphasis he throws away the two he caught. They sail off "your deranged!" rose laughs as she goes back to the book turning a page. "Well well" she has come to a series of nudes. Rose is transfixed by the languid beauty he has created. His nudes are soulful, real, with expressive hands and eves. They feel more like portraits than studies of the human form almost uncomfortably intimate. Rose blushes, raising the book as some strollers go by.

"Bloody hell mate, could've gave us a warning!" A lot of the younger years cover their eyes, whilst other people just turn there head away with an embarrassed blush on their cheeks, but those who appreciate art analysis his drawings with disbelief at how well they have been crafted.

"And these were drawn from life?" Asks rose trying to be mature.

Hermione just shakes her head at her friends antics.

"Yup. That's one of the great things of Paris. Lots of girls willing to take their clothes off" rose studies one drawing in particular, the girl posed half in sunlight, half in shadow. Her hands lie at her chin, one furled and one open like a flower, languid and graceful. The drawing is like an Alfred Stieglitz of Georgia O'Keefe.

"You liked this woman you used her several times" rose mentions.

Ginny and Hermione share a look, they can hear some disguised jealousy beneath her tone.

"She had beautiful hands" jack reasons "I think you must have had a love affair with her" rose answers smiling at him "no,no! Just with her hands!" Jack laughs

"Why'd you want to know so much?" Dean questions curiously, to which Rose just shrugged at.

"You have a gift, Jack. You see people" Rose looked up from the drawings "I see you" There it is. That piercing gaze again.

A few of the girls start giggling and whispering to their friends looking at Rose recognising the look he was giving her, making her squirm uncomfortably before her aunts voice rang in her head "chin up, don't let anyone see your weaknesses, act like you don't care, because your better than them."

"And..?" Rose trails of questionably "you wouldn'ta jumped."

Rose's close friends nodded, rose was a survivor, she may get low but she always got back up more stronger than before, it may take a while but no matter what Rose will always get up.

Ruth is having tea with Noel Martha Dyer- Edwardes, the countess of Rothes, a 35ish England blue-blood with patrician features. Ruth sees someone coming across the room and lowers her voice.

Snape rolls his eyes as he sees Ruth on the screen.

"Oh no, that vulgar Brown woman is coming this way. Get up, quickly before she sits with us"

"They remind me of Pansy Parkinson's gang" Daphne Greengrass snickers to her friend, in which Pansy glares back.

Molly Brown walks up, greeting them cheerfully as they are rising.

"Queen Molly!" Ginny cheers, the older non-
Prejudice woman having grown on her already.

"Hello girls, I was hoping I'd catch you at tea" "we're awfully sorry you missed it . The countess and I are just about to take the air on the boat deck."

"That sounds great, let's go in need to catch up on the gossip"

Many people frown, sympathising the older woman, Rose purses her lips, she didn't know if Molly survived or not, she hoped she did because Molly helped Jack even if she didn't realise.

Ruth grits her teeth as the three of them was for the grand staircase to go up. Tracking with them, as they cross the room, the shot hands off to Bruce Ismay and Captain Smith at another table.

a few people spotting Bruce and the captain, have a nagging feeling in their gut but decided to push it down, after all, they titanic sank on natural causes, didn't it? Also the titanic probably sank after Rose was on it.

"So you've not lit the last four boilers than?" Ismay questions "no but we're making excellent time." "Captain the press knows the size of the Titanic, let them marvel at her speed too. We must give them something new to print. And the maiden voyage of Titanic must make headlines!" Ismay demand impatiently.

Hermione sucks a breath in, hoping her theory was wrong, she looked over to Rose communicating with her with her eyes, but when Rose nodded she sucked a shaky breath in, silently praying that the captain doesn't agree.

Rose couldn't help but glare at the screen, she doesn't want to blame Ismay but all he cared about was his headlines, if he had been thoughtful he would've kept the titanic at the right speed instead of showing it off and nothing would've happened, her and Jack could've gotten off together safe and perhaps had gotten married and the only thing they would've had to worry about would be Cal finding them. They wouldn't had needed money, all they needed was eachother.

"I prefer not to push the endings until they've been properly run in"

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!" Alastor Moody quickly shouts making a few people jump around him not quite haven got used to his antics quite yet.

"Of course I leave it to your good offices to decide what's best, but what a glorious end to your last crossing if we get into New York Tuesday night and surprise them all." Ismay recommended as he slaps his hand on the table. "Retire with a bang, eh E.J?" A beat then smith nods stiffly.

Hermione curses under her breath, perhaps she could ask Mcgonagall for her time turner back, so then she can go back in time, oh! Or she can show them books to help them, or she could cast protective charms on then but that's in the past, oh she can start a campaign to help the people that suffered, but what if people-

Hermione was cut out of her rant by the sight of familiar blue eyes and a freckles face right next to hers "you alright mione, you started panicking" Ron questions worriedly making her hastily nod and take a deep breath trying to calm herself and wondering why she felt so hot when Ron's face was next to hers.

Jack and rose stroll aft, past people lounging on deck chairs in the slanting late-afternoon light. Stewards scurry to serve hot tea or cocoa

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐒, wtm titanic x Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now