chapter 8; Festivals & Goodbyes

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2 weeks later. He learned so much about Kuna. Like how the man hates cowardly people, that's why Satoru always tries his best to be the bravest he can be. Kuna also despises people who don't know their place, Satoru learned that the hard way. He had to witness Sukuna dismantled bandits when they tried to steal from Sukuna

Satoru is now a brave, strong boy from the constant training and learning from Kuna's guidance and encouragement.

Satoru no longer looks weak, small, and nervous. The confidence in Satoru's eyes is very powerful. When the curse is in a foul mood, the brat can always try to make Kuna smile and laugh with his annoying- sometimes cute, innocent, and playful acts and words.

Kuna also often praised Satoru's performance when he saw some progress. Always successfully filled Satoru's heart with happiness whenever the praises him.


Today is the new year... his last day with Sukuna. He's dreading it. Weeks ago Satoru was excited to finally go back home, he misses his mother, but now?

He almost considering staying here with Sukuna forever. He knows it is impossible, he needs to go back, take his responsibility as the clan's heir, become stronger to gain a title, and then he can be worthy of Sukuna.

Once he takes the title, Satoru makes a vow to himself that he will bring Sukuna to the Gojo compound and marry him.

The sky was painted with a beautiful orange hue as the time shows 6 p.m. Sukuna called him from the porch

Satoru immediately runs over to the door with his small footsteps and his eyes beaming from Kuna's call.

The brat is always happy whenever he can see him, his mood would even lift a little bit. Satoru hurriedly stumbled on the exit door and engulfed Kuna in a big hug.

Satoru lifted his head and was about to ask why Kuna called him when Kuna, suddenly put something on his face... an oni mask, the one you usually wear at festivals. "Do you want to go to the festival?"

Satoru's eye goes wide as he sees the one mask. Little Toru eyes sparkle with joy and surprise as he takes in the curse offer.

"Yes! Yes, I do! I would love to go to the festival with you, Kunaa! But... what's the mask for?" Why did Kuna decide to put an Oni mask on his face? he's curious.

Sukuna grins, "It's for you. We can't afford those curses know you're a human right?"

Satoru blinked as his mouth formed an 'O'. He nodded and thanked Sukuna. "Oh... I see, I see. That makes sense! This oni mask is very cool looking, I like it so thank you~!"

He can't help to feel touched by Sukuna's action yet again. Kuna is always thinking about his safety, it makes his heart flutter

"Yeah yeah, now let's go brat." Sukuna is already wearing his veil and walking to the woods

Satoru excitedly ran by Kuna's side, his small legs making rapid steps that covered a lot of distance compared to his height. Satoru can't wait to start the adventure!

Satoru giggled with glee. He is very excited about their adventure today, especially when the curse himself agrees to the outing! Little Toru is now happily wearing the curse's disguise, feeling like he is actually a demon child now.

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