Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Rustkit! What do you think you're doing?"

My rapid pacing up and down the narrow cavern's walls was interrupted by a shrill mew. I turned just in time to see my mother, Foxshadow, striding into the den, an agitated look in her amber gaze.

"Nothing," I mumbled, turning away from her.

"A likely story," she scoffed.

I blinked at her, waiting for her to say more. The shadows of the dimly lit burrow illuminated the jagged brown tabby stripes which scored across her ruffled pelt, and her dull blue gaze. I admired the faint muscles which rippled along her pelt as she padded further into the dusty burrow.

She let out a sigh when I continued staring at, not blinking. "Get some sleep."

With that, Foxshadow strode towards the corner of the den opposite me, and slumped into her tattered nest. I noted that her moss was dull and sandy; the warriors seldom took time to restock the nursery.

Because they're always doing more important work.

Tentatively, I glanced over my shoulder. The only other cats in the nursery were still asleep. Dustsong, the miniature she-cat, belly swollen lay nearby Foxshadow. My brother, Flamekit, was already snoring faintly in the nest we shared.

I hurried towards the exit to the den, heart pounding in my chest. My paws kicked up little bits of sand as I scampered towards the vines which hung over the entrance. My little brown paws trembled slightly as I stared at the entrance. I could hear pawsteps.

I imagined the warriors returning to DuneClan's burrowed camp after a proud day of hunting and patrolling. I could practically envision their bold, hardened faces and powerful rippling muscles.

Darkember, a strong black tabby, had always particularly made my heart soar. I only ever got snatches of the warriors- the desert was supposedly really dangerous, so Foxshadow kept me in the small confined nursery walls- but whenever I did see them, I couldn't help but relish the thought of becoming one of them.

And warriors are courageous and brave!

I glanced at the dry, shrivelling green leaves, which acted as the boundary of my life. I heard a snort. Hurriedly, I snuck a glance over my shoulder, but Foxshadow was only restlessly shifting in her nest.

I sniffed the air tentatively. There was a faint tang of something salty, the scent of freshly killed prey, wafting in the air. When I pricked my ears, I thought I could hear laughing voices.

It's now or never. Taking a deep breath, I padded towards the vines which barred the entrance to my prison. I pushed my muzzle through the gap. Encouraged, I took a pawstep forward-

And collided right into a wall of fur and muscle.


I leapt back, fur spiked. A moment later, a brown tom with black stripes padded into the den. He smiled at me, dropping a small mouse at his paws. Then, he flicked his long, fluffy tail towards me.

"I was hoping my favourite sister would be awake!"

I rolled my eyes at Burrowpaw as he blinked his round amber eyes at me. He was Foxshadow's kit from an earlier litter, and was several moons older than me. Already, he looked far more like a warrior than a gangly kit.

"I'm the only sister you have," I pointed out. Then I glanced at the dead prey. "What're you doing with this?"

Burrowpaw purred proudly. "I caught it myself. Thought you might want a taste of freshkill!"

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