Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I remained still for a long time after the vision, trying to calm my rapid breathing. Flamepaw? He's a prophecy cat?

I remembered the vague, disjointed words that Burrowpaw had said to me the day the snake struck. How he had warned me of secrecy, undercover movements, and prophecies. I hadn't believed him then.


A paw nosed my shoulder gently. I flicked my tail across the sand restlessly, trying to make sense of the vision. The pieces seemed to be falling away. The creature- Snakestar- had only left me with more questions than answers. I'm a cursed descendant of Snakestar. My brother is in a prophecy... I have powers?

The paw prodded me once more, this time more forcefully. I could scent fear wafting in the air above me. I blinked open my eyes, and glanced up to see Owlpaw. The young she-cat was shifting her paws through the sand.

"You're awake!" she exclaimed, nudging my shoulder.

"I am," I said, struggling to get to my paws. "And I learned... so much."

Owlpaw must have seen the shadows swirling in the depths of my gaze, because she leaned against me. I let out a faint purr, grateful for her support. Together, we trekked up the slope to where Dingofoot stood.

The pale scarlet and purple sunrise cast a shadow across the sand. I noticed how similar the shadow looked to the dingo he had conversed with now that it had been enlarged. My mentor sat, body rigid with tension.

"Hey, Dingofoot! Pythonpaw's back now!"

The brown tom turned, and I saw a small bit of tension ease from his bulky shoulders. His dark grey eyes flickered across my body.

"Was the news that bad?"

I blinked in surprise, then dipped my head. "Worse than you think. I talked with this ancient snake-cat that had an underbelly like fire! He told me I was his descendent, and there was some curse that he'd given me. Then, I watched Burrowpaw and me- I mean, Rustkit- get attacked by the snakes. Then, Burrowpaw spoke with Darkember."

Dingofoot's eyes widened, but I noticed Owlpaw draw away from me. The young apprentice flicked her tail.

"That's... a lot."

"What did Burrowpaw and Darkember say to one another?" Dingofoot asked me. "It was right after the snake bit him?"

"Yeah," I nodded. My paws shook slightly as I remembered Darkember's smug gaze as he watched my brother convulse on the ground. "He accused Burrowpaw of not following some plan. Burrowpaw-"

The next words cut off with a choking gasp, but I fought for the strength to keep going. I needed Dingofoot to understand the truth.

"Burrowpaw almost laughed, saying that being poisoned and cursed might help their plan."

He said 'Y'know?' like he always did to me after a funny story, it was a battle in itself to shake away the memories of the old days. The times where Burrowpaw would sneak into the nursery and teach me how to play games. My favourite had always been pretending he was a fierce beast.

"Their plan..." Dingofoot sounded bewildered.

"I think my brother was mixed up with some real bad cats," I admitted, glancing at Owlpaw who was now pacing. "Darkember must have been some sort of commander. I...have no idea what they were planning."

"We should get back to camp," Owlpaw said suddenly. "Before we're missed."

I glanced up at her in confusion, but Dingofoot nodded, glancing furtively at the rising light.

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