Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The war is coming.

I dug my claws into the earth as I stared at the large precipice before me. The land rapidly sloped away, leading to a sheer, rocky drop. Beyond, the land grew craggy, with large stones jutting out.

"You made it."

I whirled around, fur rising up, just as Darkember padded towards me. His amber eyes burned brighter than the rising sun ahead. His large muscles rippled along his pelt as he grinned at me. I dipped my head.

"Yes, Darkember. What do you want?"

The deputy had not spoken to me since our last meeting. His influence was far more subtle, and yet I noticed it. Owlpaw was paired up on different patrols, so that we could rarely speak. I found myself surrounded by his daughter, and other cats who adored him.

My hope had been that Dingofoot would be my rock, grounding me as the shadows pressed in around me more and more each day. But the tom seemed distracted. He was always staring into the distance, mumbling to himself.

I felt a tail flick across my muzzle, and glanced up sharply. In a swift motion, Darkember was standing above me. I became increasingly aware of the sheer drop behind me, and his unsheathed claws.

"We need to talk."

I tried to hold his gaze as he paced around me, eyes bearing into my pelt. He let out a huff as I continued to glare at him. Flamepaw may have given up, but I won't. I saw that vision, Darkember. I know you did evil with Burrowpaw...

"It has come to my attention," Darkember murmured quietly. "That you don't trust me. You don't believe my motives. You think hard, but that is not your role as a Scout."

The beast within me thrashed at his outward contempt. I unsheathed my claws, glancing at the sharp white tips, which glittered in the rising light. I could kill this cat now, I thought.

"But you wouldn't, little snake. Not without knowing my side first."

I glanced up sharply. Darkember tilted his head to one side, and smirked.

"I was your father's best friend, you know. Some would have called us as close as you and that little Owlpaw. When I was an apprentice, outcast among my own clanmates, that little SnakeClan cat would meet me at the border, and we would train..."

"I don't even know my father," I responded coldly. 

Pricklestar had told me about him, but scarcely moments later I had witnessed Adderlight's murder. I wasn't entirely sure whether I had actually remembered our conversation about him, or dreamed it.

"You talk exactly like him," Darkember sighed. "So direct, always wanting to be something greater. But you, him, and Burrowpaw, all had one fatal flaw. You cared far too much."

I stiffened at the mention of my brother. In a swift motion, Darkember lunged towards me. Still in shock, the black tabby managed to pin me with ease. He flipped me onto my belly before the thought of thrashing had even entered my mind.

I felt his hot breath on my neck, and winced. His scent surprised me. It was that of the desert outposts from which Owlpaw had nearly been captured. Amber eyes bore down on me.

"Now you'll listen."

"I suppose I will," I agreed quietly, going still.

Darkember seemed disappointed by my lack of fervour. I wasn't a little kit any more. I had more control than my brother likely did over the beast inside me.

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