XX. Hawaii

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HAPPY HOLI PEOPLE! I have my exam day after tomorrow so I am alone today studying ugh but I hope you guys have a great day!
As everyone gathered in the courtyard, ready to depart for the wedding venue, Shivansh and Dev realized that Keya and Suhana were nowhere to be found. They exchanged puzzled looks before Armaan spoke up.

"Has anyone seen Keya and Suhana?" Armaan asked, scanning the group.

Sayunkta raised her hand. "I saw them leaving early this morning. They said something about wanting to get to the venue before everyone else."

Shivansh's heart sank at the thought of missing more time with Keya. "Well, there goes my plan to impress Keya with my expert driving skills," he thought, trying to mask his disappointment.

Dev, on the other hand, was more concerned about missing out on teasing Suhana. "No more opportunities to rile up Suhana," he lamented inwardly, imagining the playful banter they could have had on the way.

Armaan, always the optimist, tried to lighten the mood. "Well, look on the bright side. At least they'll have everything set up by the time we get there."

Dev sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I guess you're right. It's just... I was looking forward to teasing Suhana some more."

Don't know why but I miss Suhana

Shivansh chuckled, patting Dev on the back.

Poor guy in love-

"Don't worry, we'll have plenty of opportunities to tease them once we get there."

As they made their way to the cars, Shivansh couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. He had been looking forward to spending some more time with Keya, getting to know her better. "Maybe I should have woken up earlier and gone with them," he thought, mentally kicking himself for missing out.


Dev, on the other hand, was already thinking of ways to make up for lost time. "I'll just have to come up with some extra special teasing for Suhana when we get there," he resolved, a mischievous glint in his eye.

As they drove towards the venue, the mood in the car was light and jovial, with everyone joking and laughing. Despite their initial disappointment, Shivansh and Dev couldn't help but feel excited about the wedding and the festivities that lay ahead.

And also about meeting someone...


As Keya and Suhana neared the venue, Keya opened up to Suhana about her feelings for Shivansh. Suhana listened intently, offering her support and understanding.

"Dayum, he knows even the Delhi part, Keya. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Suhana asked, a mix of surprise and concern in her voice.

"I don't know, Suhana. It just sort of happened. I tried to deny it at first, but I can't ignore how I feel," Keya explained, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Suhana placed a comforting hand on Keya's shoulder. "Well, I'm here for you, no matter what. And if Shivansh makes you happy, then I'm happy for you."

Keya smiled gratefully at her friend as they pulled up to the venue. The resort was breathtaking, with lush gardens and stunning views.

After three hours of hard work, the venue was transformed into a Hawaiian-themed cocktail party paradise. The gardens were adorned with colorful flowers and lanterns, while the sound of Hawaiian music filled the air. Tables were set up with tropical drinks and appetizers, and a dance floor was ready for the guests to enjoy.

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