Kill Or Be Killed

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Stefan had gotten up early and walked down the hall. He stopped at his sister's doorway and looked into her room. Stefan noticed how she was spread over her bed, still sleeping. He smiled a bit because she looked peaceful, but still worried about how she was. 'After everything yesterday...' Stefan thought to himself before he slowly walked in. He slowly took Liz's blanket and covered her more with it, glad she had decided to wear pajamas to bed. Stefan gently brushed some hair from Liz's face before slowly leaving her room.

Liz woke up and sat up in her bed. She yawned, not wanting to see how bad her bed head was. She remembered everything that happened the day before and decided she was going to use the day to distract her mind from Katherine.

Liz stood from her bed and texted Tyler to meet at the Grill later. She walked into her bathroom and took a shower. While she took her shower, she tried to come up with other places to hide her diary.

After her shower, Liz put on some nice casual clothes and put her diary in her sock drawer. 'It will be safe there for now' Liz thought to herself. She made sure it was covered well before walking out of her room.

Liz grabbed a quick breakfast before getting her purse. She started down the stairs.

Stefan walked out of the library and noticed Liz was already heading out to the park.
"I'll give you a ride." Stefan said to Liz, assuming she was going to help with the picnic.
"I'm not going to the volunteer picnic Stefan." Liz said because she thought that's what he was talking about. "I'm going to the Grill and hang out with Tyler." She added. 'After yesterday, I need it' Liz thought to herself as she continued out the door. Stefan watched his sister for a minute before he sped in front of her. Liz stepped back and sighed. "Let me go." She tried not to be annoyed at her brother.
"I need to talk to you about what Katherine said." Stefan said.
"You already know everything about what she said to me Stefan." Liz said. "I don't need to know what else she said. I don't want her in my life so I'm staying away from anything that involves her." Liz started to walk away.
"We need to stick together." Stefan said, hoping Liz would stop and reconsider her plans for the day.
"Yeah, I know that." Liz opened the front door and looked back at Stefan. "But how can we do that when all we've been doing is keeping secrets from each other?" She added before walking out the front door. Stefan sighed and knew there was nothing he could do right now but give Liz some space.

Liz walked into the Grill and saw that Tyler was already there. She took a deep breath and walked over to him.
"Hey." Liz said, which made Tyler look at her.
"Hey." Tyler said back as Liz sat across from him.
"How have you been?" Liz asked because they didn't see each other much over the last week. Tyler looked at Liz, trying to figure out the right words.
"I've been...okay." He said. "Just...going a bit crazy." Liz nodded.
"That's only natural." She said. "After everything you found out on the full moon...I thought you might have wanted to talk."
"Yeah...I guess I've been just trying to accept everything." Liz gave a small smile.
" about brunch?" Liz offered. "My treat."
"Sure...thanks." Tyler said before they looked at a menu.

Liz and Tyler sat together as they ate brunch. Liz was able to push the thoughts about Katherine from her mind the more she spent with Tyler. Tyler made Liz feel normal, even though she knew she wasn't. Liz knew that things between her and Tyler might not be the same after what happened, but it didn't change how she felt about him. She looked at Tyler and smiled a bit because at the moment she was happy.

As Liz took money out to pay, she noticed Jeremy coming up to them. She nodded her head in a friendly way to him. Jeremy returned it with a smile
"Hey man..." Jeremy said to Tyler " have you been?"
"Since when?" Tyler asked Jeremy. Liz chose not to say anything.
"I don't know, I haven't seen you much since your father's funeral." Jeremy said and looked at Liz for a second before he looked back at Tyler. "I just figured maybe you'd want..."
"I'm fine, Gilbert." Tyler said, which made Liz look at him. She felt worried about him, but knew it would be better for him to talk on his own terms. Jeremy started to walk away. "Wait, hold up. I'm sorry." Jeremy stopped and turned back towards Tyler. "Bad day, bad month." Liz took a chance and gently held Tyler's hand. He held her hand back as he looked at Jeremy. "Listen, you were cool that day, at the wake. Thanks for that. I felt like kind of a freak show."
"Yeah, I know the feeling well. What are you doing here?"
"Having brunch with Liz." Liz smiled a bit at Tyler.
"Because I paid for it." Liz teased Tyler, even though they both had a lot of money. Liz knew she could have also compelled the meal for free, but she often preferred to buy her stuff. Tyler smiled a bit at Liz before they noticed Aimee and Sarah joining them.

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