Chapter :- 04

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Yn pov :-

I don't no why he stared me like a hawk looking at a baby rabbit.
I stared back his eyes This Doe eyes, my mouth slightly agape.
Then he smiled the tiniest bit… just a slight upturning of the corner of
his mouth…
And my heart skipped a beat.
“I understand something happened here tonight,” he said in a deep,
smoky voice.
I swallowed hard and nodded, unable to speak.
I felt like I was drowning in his eyes  and then his voice mesmerized
me even further.
Just at that moment, my father emerged from the kitchen.
“Excuse me,
we’re clo.... ”
But the words died in his throat when he saw the three men.
Actually, when he saw the man in the middle.
The handsome stranger looked at him. “Do you know who I am?”
“O-of course, Master Jeon.”
As soon as Appa said the name, my blood froze in my veins.

"Jeon Jungkook".
The Monster.

The Jeons were a family of mafias, and they had controlled this
City for over long years. Their grandfather had come from busan
half a century before and staked out his claim with blood and fire.
The name inspired fear. No one crossed the Jeons..No one.

Those who did either lived to regret it… or disappeared without a trace.
The head of the family was often referred to as Monster for his
horrendous acts of violence against his enemies. They did not hurt
innocent local people, who fell under his protection but they destroyed other mafias who dared infringe on their  territory.
But the name Monster always whispered, as though speaking it
might summon the devil himself.
Certainly my father appeared terrified. He trembled slightly as he said,

“I was so sorry to hear about your father, God rest his soul.” my
father said to him.God rest his soul?
This was news to me.
mariposa,” the mystery man said. “What’s your name?”


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