Chapter :-09

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YN Pov :-

"My father was Master, YOU can call me Jungkook"....

His words echoed in my mind as we left the café.To me he was still the monster of Korea…But maybe that was his father? Perhaps the son was not as bad…Then I reminded myself that he was a mafia and had taken over his family after his father’s death.
Whatever else he might be, Jungkook was still a criminal and a Muderer. If only he hadn’t been such a handsome one…With such mesmerizing deo eyes…

We walked out into the cold night air. May in Daejeon is warm during
the day but can be frigid at night.
I clutched my clothes to my chest, not wanting Jungkook to see my nipples beneath my dress.
To be truthful, I was not sure if the cold air was the only reason they
were hard.

I silently chastised myself for my weakness and added one more thing to the list I would have to tell the priest at confession.
Although I would leave out the details of what Jungkook ’s gaze did to mybody.

The three men led me to a beautiful black Mercedes sedan parked in the
gravel outside the café. Jimin went to the driver’s seat, Taehyung took the front passenger seat, and Jungkook opened the back door for me.

“Such a gentleman,” I said sarcastically.

He just smirked.I settled into the leather seat and marveled at how soft and luxurious it was. I had never felt anything so sinfully delicious before. Jungkook closed the door, then went around to the other side of the car and got in next to me.
Jimin started the engine which sounded more like a purr than a roar and backed the car out into the road.
“Your phone,” Jungkook as he held out his hand.
“Your cell phone. Give it to me.”
“I can’t exactly have you contacting whomever you want, now can I?”
I grumbled and handed over my cell phone, which I had hidden inside
Suitcase in the budunl of clothes.

It was my single luxury the one thing I owned that was my connection to the outside world. Jimin watched from the rearview mirror as Jungkook powered off the phone.

“How old is that thing?! When did you get it, a decade ago?”
“I’m not as well-off as some other little rich boys in this car,” I snapped.
Jimin flushed with anger. I was afraid my temper had gotten the best of me Until Taehyung snorted in amusement.

I glanced over at Jungkook as he pocketed my phone. He wad suppressing a smile, as well. Jimin grumbled under his breath, but he went back to staring at the

We drove for half an hour. Very little was said. Jungkook and the others
made no attempt at small talk, and I was content to stare out the window at the moonlight on the Daejeon countryside. Long after midnight, we finally turned off a small two-lane road onto a paved drive. We drove for a couple of minutes through rows of cedars, then came to a ten foot tall wall with a massive iron gate. There must have been
a camera or some sort of sensor because the gate opened slowly and the Mercedes glided through.
Another couple of minutes went by as we drove past gorgeous
vineyards and orchards. The road gradually sloped upwards, and we finally broke through the greenery and reached an open space at which point I gasped in amazement.
There was a gigantic mansion at the top of the hill, three stories tall with
two large wings. Its slate roof gleamed under the moon, and warm yellow light shone from a quarter of the massive windows.
The house looked like something out of a fairy tale… although I wondered if it would be one with a happy ending.
The Mercedes pulled around a circular drive in front of the mansion, where four men dressed in black were waiting. They opened the car doors for us and murmured things like “Welcome" “Master Jeon” as we exited. Jungkook clapped one of the men on the shoulder and nodded to the others as we passed by. For a moment I thought that perhaps these were the other brother but they stayed behind as the four of us walked up majestic marble steps to a pair of bronze doors at the front of the mansion.

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