6. Pythagorean Theorem

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Marc's POV

I drove to school with Hector today. He told me that his Dad is doing great and that he was really happy that he came to visit him. Hector and his dad had never been super close but I really hope that got them at least a little closer.
"So how'd the fundraiser go?" He asked me.
"Not that bad" I emphasized on 'that'.
"What do you mean by that?" He looked at me confused as I parked the car once we reached school.
"Long story short I kinda went off at her, but I apologized and everything and it's all good now" I explained. I took off my seat belt and got out of the car and so did Hector.
"You sure it's all good now?" He asked taking is bag from the seat.
"Honestly, it's better than before" I say smiling while also grabbing my bag and locking the car.
"So how'd she forgive you" He asked me.
"Funny story, she felt bad for going off at me and got me a basket with a note and right after that I went over to her house and got her 2 tickets to The Weeknd's concert and now we're gonna go there together" He smiled looking at my shoes. Hector took a glance at me.
"Dude you're blushing" He laughs shoving my shoulder.
"I'm not, I'm just happy, you know?" I confirm.
"You're not gonna admit you like her do you" He asks me.
"Because there's nothing to admit!" I surrender my hands.
"We'll see about that" He smirks.
"We'll see about that" I mocked him. We walked into the school and I was thinking about what Hector said. Did I actually like her?

As soon as I reached school she was the first face I saw. I tried not to make eye contact but I couldn't help it. She smiled and gave me a little wave. And before I knew it she started walking towards me.
"Hi guys" She said to both of us.
"Hey Tay Tay" Hector said.
"Hi" Is all I said.
"Are you guys ready for the big game on Friday?" She asks us. Friday is our big game against Real Madrid.
"So ready" Hector says.
"Ar- Are you gonna come t- to watch?" I stutter. Why the fuck was I stuttering.
"Hello? Is that even a question? Of course I'm gonna come to watch" She shoved my shoulder.
"Ok the real question is who's jersey are you gonna be wearing?" Hector teases.
"Which ever one gets handed to me first" She winks looking at me. I bite my lip to hold my smile.
"I'll probably be wearing Pablo's though" She confirms. Why did I get my hopes high.
"Of course" I say.
"Alright I'm gonna get going now. I'll see you in bio and you- whenever" She said pointing at Hector first then me. She was about to turn around but she stopped midway and turned to me.
"I almost forgot to ask you, how did you like the basket? You never told me" She says looking up at my with her deep brown eyes.
"I loved every bit of it. The kitkats are almost finished, I might need another pack" I joked smirking.
"You're gonna have to get that yourself then" She laughed.
"Bye Guiu" She adds.
"Later Páez" I reply. Ok fine I admit it. I do like her. How can I not.

Taylor's POV

I was heading to my first class of the day all excited and happy. I had Art first period so it was pretty much a free period. I usually go visit my friends classrooms during this time.
"Ms. Heyward can I go to the bathroom?"
"Sure, take the pass" She says. She knows I don't actually go to the bathroom, but she let's me go anyway. I wanted to go to my brothers class today which was on the opposite side of the school on the 3rd floor. I first climb up the stairs. School stairs tire the fuck out of me. And then I walked all the way to the other side of the school. I'm pretty sure he had math first period. His math teacher is pretty chill so I'm sure he won't mind me being there. I enter the classroom because the door was already open.
"Hi Mr. Martinez" I say waving at my brother's teacher.
"Hello other Páez" He says. I go over to my brothers table where he sits. He's sitting next to some random dude my brother always talks to in this class but I have no idea what his name is. And on the opposite side there is Marc. No one is sitting next to Marc so I go and sit there.
"Hi guys" I say sitting down.
"Hi" they all say in unison.
"What class do you have right now" the random guy asks.
"Art" I reply.
"Well right now we are just doing this worksheet and I'd love for someone to do it for me" Marc asks me leaning on his hand.
"No but I can help you" I shrug.
"Yes please we payed zero attention this whole time" My brother adds.
"Dude I'm a grade lower than you and even I can do this stuff" I say to him.
"Whatever, what do you guys need help with" I say looking over at Marc's paper.
"Everything" He looks at me.
"Ok so first the first question just use the pythagorean theorem" I say to all of them.
"Whats that" the random guy asked.
"Are you deadass right now? You guys learned this shit in 8th grade" I groan.
"Sorry about these dumb people. It's
c²- d²=f(x)" Marc says confidently.
"Where the hell did you get that from" I look at him with full confusion.
"My brain" He taps his head with his finger.
"Well then you might wanna reboot that brain of yours" I smack his head softly.
"Since when do you guys get along" My brother asked confusingly.
"Since when did we not?" Marc says and wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"Since I don't know FOREVER" My brother says. He took his hand off my shoulder and we both just laughed. I don't know why we always argued. Like Hector said, Marc is a nice person once you get to know him.

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