Chapter three

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You never got the apology from Lawrie, or at least you thought for today. Larry didn't stop being mad at Lawrie for not apologizing. Seems like a perfect silent day for you, no one annoying you, right? Wrong.

You were in your office, watching the security cameras as for the shift today. You almost seem to fall asleep from the amount of sleep that you dont have. All night, you were so mad, that you broke your vase accidently, and you had to super glue it all together.

You sigh and decide to take a quick power nap. How bad could it be?
You lay back in your chair, cross your arms, and close your eyes, ready to take a nap. Without the alarm.

You fall asleep in no time and start dreaming. You see Lawrie, he is sitting on the top of the hill in short cut grass, watching the sunset. He looks so calm? You go over to him and sit down next to him, clearly suspicious and confused. You never thought Lawrie was so calm or friendly...

Then, out of nowhere, you get taken away by Larry. He has his arm wrapped around your neck, pulling you away from him. You try to fight back, but you can't since you're dreaming. Larry speaks gibberish to you, but you try to yell. Lawrie stands up with a knife in his hand and looks at you, his smile is more creepy. The oil from his mouth is pouring out. Is this a nightmare?

"What is this dream?
I have to get out of here
What is happening?
Let go!"

You keep thinking and yelling, but the yells seem like whispers. Lawrie lunges at you with the knife, stabbing your chest, but then you wake up and launch up from your chair

You breathe heavily and wipe the sweat off your forehead. Is this a sign? To stay away from Lawrie? You dont know, just panicking

"Calm down... you're overreacting. "
You say to yourself

"It's just a dream."
You say again to yourself, taking deep breaths.

You stand up and decide to go get some coffee. You go to the cafeteria, coffee machine and wait for the coffee to be made. You see Larry coming, some contact maybe?

"Hey there, running low on energy?"
Larry asks

"Yeah, some"
You reply back

"How is the shift going?"
Larry asks, leaning against the countertop

You rub your eyes and reply
"Okay, i guess."

Larry nods and crosses his arms

"How is your shift going?"
You ask him

"Tiring, you know how it is"
He replies

You nod and look down

"How are you yourself?"
Larry asks

"Im fine,"
You reply, a bit tired

Larry looks at you and notices how tired you seem, he seems concered

"How much did you sleep last night?"
Larry asks

You dont respond, you just look at him

Larry says again, waiting for your answer

You shrug and grab the mug, stiring the coffee and then putting some milk and sugar in it

"C'mon, dont ignore me, im already mad at lawrie, i dont want to be mad at you"
Larry says

"I slept... fine?"
You reply and take a sip of your coffee

"Aha, okay"
He replies and makes himself a cup of coffee, a simple black coffee

Lawrie comes and sees you, he sighs in annoyance. You see him and quickly leave, going back to your office.

You already hate him enough, now seeing him again? Just disgusting.

You sit down in your chair and put the mug down, wanting some peace. You look at the security cameras, looking for something suspicious, but nothing. The Starr park is looking okay. You lean back into the chair and sigh, drinking your coffee in peace. You keep watching the cameras, quite bored.

Suddenly, you hear Lawrie and Larry arguing, something about you. You open your door slightly to peek. Larry is pointing at Lawrie while Lawrie has his hands clenched in a fist

"Listen to me! I dont care about that! Just go apologize!"
Larry yells at him

"Why do you have tell me what to do?"
Lawrie yells back

"Hatred is never the answer!"
Larry yells

"I dont care! She is a stubborn little b-"
Lawrie says

"Wow, he said that? What a dxckhead"
You think to yourself

Larry snaps

You never saw him like this, you like this side of him actually.

Lawrie says, finally listening to his brother.

Lawrie starts to come to your office and you quickly close your door and sit in your chair, acting like you're looking at the security cameras. He opens the door without knocking

"Dont you know how to knock?"
You say as you look at him, quite annoyed

"Why would i knock if you're just looking at the security camera's"
He replies

"What do you need."
You sigh, waiting

"I came to apologize for yesterday"
Lawrie says

You look at him, not believing a word

You say, blantly

"Yes im serious"
Lawrie replies

You rub your eyes and look at him again

"You're forgiven, now i would like some peace"
You reply

"Thanks, i guess"
Lawrie says and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

You lean back against the chair and strech, finally he apologized. You look at the time and its getting quite late, you grab the microphone and make an announcement

"The park will be closing soon"
You say in the microphone and wait for the time to tick 10 pm.

It soon ticks 10 pm and no citizen is in the park, you leave the office and clock out, locking the parks gate. You leave home to rest.

☆ WOOHOOO HELLO MY POOKIESS, yall i made this in one day hahaaaaa, a bit dumb ik. The photo is made by borsh-yeek on tumblr!! Evelyn tunning out ☆

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