chapter six

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You came back home with excruciating pain in your abdomen. Why did you make that decision? You dont know. You fall in bed and hold your abdomen, slightly moaning from the pain. You grab some painkillers, and maybe it will relieve your pain, so you take them. You take the painkillers with water, then lay down on the bed. You look at the ceiling, kind of tired, but it makes sense. You were stabbed and lost some blood. Maybe you should head to the ER? nah. You close your eyes and fall asleep on the bed.

The dream was not other like the twins again. Why them? Why not someone else? Why not your... never mind.

Lawrie is holding you close, your head next to his chest while he has his arms around you, holding you close. He seems to be sleeping peacefully. What is this dream? Why is Lawrie so close?

Larry is sitting next to you, reading a book. Do robots read books? Like what? It feels like real life. Why?

You keep questioning yourself, and then Larry looks at you with a smile

"Slept well?"
Larry says

"What? What do you mean?"
You say

Larry says

"This is a dream... no..."
You whisper to yourself

Lawrie starts to hold you tighter, not letting you go for sure now. You try to squirm yourself out of his grasp

"You're not leaving us. Even if you tried"
Larry says in a slightly deeper robotic voice, like Lawries

You look at him in fear and yell

"Let me go!"

Larry says

Lawrie wakes up and looks at you

"Hey, slept well, i see."
Lawrie says

You head butt him, but he doesn't take any damage. it's like your head went through his head. It's definitely a dream. You try to wake yourself up, but it feels wrong. Way wrong.

Larry grabs you steady, but this makes Lawrie mad. Lawrie pushes his hand away and hisses at him. Larry gets mad too and attacks Lawrie. The chance is visible, and you use it. You stand up and run away, but it's like you're sliding on thin ice than running. The robots run faster and catch you. You fall to the ground, and this makes you wake up.

You wake up, sweaty and breathing heavily. You sigh and look at the time. 2 am. You sit up and put your arms on your thighs, holding your hands together. Breathing heavily and thinking. You look at your abdomen, which is bandaged. You put your two fingers on it, then some blood drawns onto them. You sigh and go to rebandage your abdomen. You enter the bathroom and grab some new clean bands. You remove the old one, and the cut is definitely deep. You bandage your abdomen with bandages and sigh. You put your hands on the sink and look at the mirror, thinking your life a bit.

You decide to go back to sleep because it is 2 am. You lay in bed and have a good night of sleep. In the morning, you wake up with pain all around your body. You dont know how you slept that made this pain so bad. You sit up in much more pain and stand up. You are limping while walking to the bathroom for another pair of bands. You take them and rewrap your wound. You moan in pain and groan, too.

You start to think about Lawrie. You couldn't help but think how he helped you, but you couldn't yourself. All you felt was anger when fighting the enemy. All you felt was anger at Lawrie because you couldn't take care of yourself, protect yourself, and that was embarrassment for you. You lowered your guard next to the enemy, and the incident happened.

You shake your head to snap out of it. You decide to shower your hair. The shower was great, warm, and smooth. All you did was shower your hair. You wrap a towel around your head and look at yourself in the mirror. You brush your teeth and wash your face. You dry your hair with a hair drier, for smooth and dry hair. You look at the time and realize you have some time left before work. You decided to go to work because you need money.

You put on your casual agent outfit. It is like a police man would wear.

(Just imagine without the mask tho, male and female idc

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Just imagine without the mask tho, male and female idc. Enough of this, back to reading)

You strech your body a bit and go downstairs, why not some breakfast? You cook yourself some, some bacon and eggs. The bacon had some good crunch and the eggs were soft with the yellow liquid in the middle. Delicous breakfast. You still have some time left, so you decide to go outside for some fresh air. You step outside and look at the sky. Today is sunny and warm, quite a nice day. You walk the street, towards your work.

You try to focus the two figures infront of you. You focus and recognize them. Its your parents.

You have terrible past with them, you knew your parents as being very abusive to you, not listening to you and keeping you as a slave there. You are thankfull that you escaped their house and now live alone.

Their faces are in shock as they see you, they recognize you too, you havent changed much, maybe grew older but your face is still the same. Your parents smiled slightly but weirdly. You see their reaction and quickly pass them and go to work. You wanted to be strong and independent, not be afraid of your parents. You just walked faster to work, maybe before work, you can say thank you for Lawrie?

You come at work early and go to the lockers. You put your phone, wallet in the locker and sigh. You hear someone coming so you look and see Larry coming your way. When he sees you, he seems rather mad at you that you didnt take a day off for your wounds.

"Why are you at work?"
Larry asks

"I cant work?"
You ask back

"You're wounded! You need to stay at home!"
He says

"I'll be fine, Larry. Thank you for your worries but i'll be fine"
You say

Larry sighs in annoyance

"Im gonna get some coffee, okay?"
You say

"Yeah, okay"
Larry says

You nod and head to the cafeteria, coffee machine. You start to make the coffee, completely forgetting about the thanking, knowing that you probably wouldnt even say to him

☆ BOOOOOM, there ya go, now im gonna go watch the horror movie :P ☆

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