chapter five

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You are breathing heavily, going to pass out any moment. Lawrie sees you and goes to you in shock. He tries to hold your wound so you wouldn't bleed most of your blood out. You look at Lawrie and the people in these glass conteiners. You start to feel bad for them. You hold your wound with his hand and say something

"F-free t-them.."
You say

Lawrie hears this and gets mad

"What? I have to get you to safety. You are stabbed!"
Lawrie says

Wait, is he actually worried for me? For the first time in months, maybe in a year, you hear him being worried for you, quite shocking. But your worry is for the people in these conteiners

"P-please... for me..."
You say

Lawrie sighs in annoyance. He stands up and goes to the computer. The computer is all nonsense, but there is a button where it can open the doors. Lawrie presses it, and all of the bodies fall out, the people wake up, disoriented.

"Go down this long tunnel, take a right, and there will be stairs, go!"
Lawrie says

The people nod and run off, scared. Lawrie now pays attention to you. He goes over to you and checks your wound. The bleeding is bad but not that bad. He knows he needs to save you. He puts his arm under your legs and behind you back, now carrying you like a bride. He carries you safely in his arms, fearing the worst that could happen to you.

You start to feel embarrassed about it. He's carrying you, and your mind thinks that you can walk safely, plus hes carrying you like a princess, but you're independent

"P-put me d-down.."
You say

"Are you crazy? No."
Lawrie says and continues to carry you

You say

Lawrie ignores you for now. They are near the exit, Lawrie quickly gets out of the base and contacts his radio, Larry responds, and he quickly comes with a first aid kit. Lawrie lays you against a tree. The wound is excruciating for you. Larry quickly disinfects the wound, and you try not to scream from the pain. Larry takes out the sharp object and quickly bandages you. You slightly pass out, but awake 3 seconds later. You start to feel better as the sharp object isn't stabbing you anymore. Larry goes to get some water for you

You are confused. Why is Lawrie so nice to you now? Why is he taking care of you? He would've just left you to die or something, but he's acting so friendly now. You remember hearing that Larry said to Lawrie, "Take care of her and no funny business." Maybe that's why? You dont know.

Lawrie sees your confusion

"What's wrong?"
Lawrie says

"Why are you so nice to me all of the sudden?"
You say

"I kept my brothers' promise."
Lawrie says

You nod and sigh, now understanding the issue. You feel a bit akward with him

"Im gonna go,"
You say

"What? Where are you gonna go?"
Lawrie says

You say

"You're bandaged, plus the wound would open again,"
Lawrie says

"I'll be fine,"
You say and stand up

"Wait, no!"
Lawrie says, but you run away back home

Lawrie sighs from how stupid and dumb you are. Larry comes with a water bottle and sees you're not there

"Where is she?"
Larry says

"She ran away,"
Lawrie says

"We have to-"
Larry says but gets cut off by Lawrie

"Let her run."
He says

Larry sighs and nods, now both brothers knowing how stupid you are

☆ im sorry that this is so shoorrttt 😭😭 but like, it explains 😘 okay, gotta go to school. Evelyn tunning out ☆

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