Chapter nine

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I decided to use my readers' art, like why not 😜 Hana_Vale01

Your eyes fill with tears. You never wanted to hurt anyone, but your life is on the line. You have to make a choice fast, do it or die? None of these options are good. Louis crosses his arms

"I'll leave you to think."
He says and leaves the room. The other man slaps you and leaves the room. You feel the stinging pain on your cheek, leaving you in tears for a bit. You have to get out of here. You dont care. You calm down and look around the room, there isnt anything sharp to cut, yet. You jump and fall with the chair, making some progress. Then you hear Louis coming back. Oh no. You try to get back up, but he caught you. He glares

"You bitch!"
He says and kicks your chest

"You think you can get away? Haha!"
He laughs and grabs you by the hair

He says

You glare at him, clearly mad. You spit in his face, showing your anger. He wipes the spit off and glares back. He raises his fist and punches you in the face multiple times, knocking you out. You sleep for a while, being tied to the chair, having some dreams. Colorfull dreams, about... again? Larry and Lawrie. All you remember from the dream is how they rescue you and embrace you. But you get waken up by Louis who is patting your shoulder

"Goodmorning, babe"
He says and kisses your cheek

"Slept well?"
He asks

You feel so disgusted, you feel humiliated. You try to move away, but he kisses your neck now. Is he gonna rape you? You kick him in the nuts with your both tied up legs. He groans in pain and clenches his balls

"Fucking hell..."
Louis says and looks at you

"Fuck off!"
You yell and

He punches you hard in the face, the impact caused you to fall with the chair, hitting your head. Louis leaves the room for some pain killers. You hit your head pretty hard and now its bleeding. You seem to be losing consciousness, but you shake off that feeling and look around the room. You were pretty lucky because you found some very small broken glass. Finally. You grab it and uncut your wrists and legs. You're free! Not yet. You look around the room and see a vent, a way out! You dont know what to unscrew with, its screwed shut so its a bit hard of a way out. You look around the room, maybe something. The room is grey, some tools are left behind for some torture. You can use them to unscrew the vent. You go to the table, there is a knife, tazer, gun, shotgun. A lot. You grab the knife and look at the vent, ready to leave this hell. You unscrew the vent with a knife and quickly get up the vent. But something bad happens, Louis came back

He screams in anger and grabs a gun, shooting in the vent. He didnt hit you thankfully but its still dangerous. You crawl fast, trying to get away from here as soon as you can.

"Come back here bitch!"
Louis yells

He shoots again and hits you in the thigh. Not good at all. You keep crawling, not stopping. You never have to stop moving, this maniac kidnapped you and tried to rape you. No way in hell. You see a way out, but fuck. You left the knife behind. You switch sides in the vent in a difficult way. You kick the vent, it doesnt budge on the first try. You keep kicking and kicking. Then. The vent falls off. Yes! Freedom! You look outside of the vent, but there are guards walking around. Well shit. The height isn't great either, probably like 10 feet or 3 meters.

You sigh, you are independent, strong, brave. You can do this. You look around for any guards, and when they walked away, you jumped from the vent and hit your leg a bit. It didn't necessarily hurt, but still. You stand up and see a group of guards coming. Fuck. It's literally the worst timing. Then, an alarm goes off just in time, and the guards run the other way to inside. You sigh in relief and look for a way out again.

There is a very high fence. You have to crawl up to it, but it has some razor fence up there. You either cut your body or get caught and die. You groan and look around a bit. You find some pliers laying around, how lucky. You cut the fence and try to run away. But guess what. The alarm turns off, and the guards see you. They shoot fire, but you duck down and roll down a hill. This injured leg is making you feel horrible. You hit the ground after rolling down and stand up, walking away because you need to get out. You go to the phonebooth and enter Lawries' number, but you have no pennys or cents. You punch the box and go to the police station, which is not away. You report a kidnapping and sexual assault. They quickly call everyone and drive there. You ask the police men if you can call someone, and they said yes.

Of course, you call Lawrie and tell him some things. He sounds rather worried for you. Wait, worried? You know Lawrie as being a selfish dickhead and now hes worried? Thats new. You tell him the address, and he says that he will come. You hang up and sit down on the sofa in the lobby, holding your knees.

You wait for an hour before you hear a car. It's Larry and Lawrie. You quickly run to them and quickly hug Lawrie. You just dont care. You're an emotional wreck right now. Lawrie is in shock, but he hugs you back. Larry awws at the scene and hugs you both. You cry a bit in Lawries arms. You explain everything to him, holding his face while doing so. Lawrie just listens to you, listening to every word you say. He absolutely knew that Louis was a bad guy, just from his acting.

You wrap your arms around his torso and hug him again. Lawrie caresses your back

"Let's go home, our home,"
Lawrie says and leads you to his car

You nod and sit down in the back seat, Larry sits down next to you and holds you close, clearly worried for you. You hold onto Larry and lay your head on his chest, closing your eyes and falling asleep for the rest of the trip.

You wake up in the morning on a couch, and you are covered by a soft, thick blanket and a comfortable pillow. You sit up, groaning. You feel some bandages around your head, thigh, just around your bruises. You rub your eyes and see Larry in the kitchen. Larry looks at you

"Oh hey,"
Larry says while waiting for his coffee to be made

"Good morning."
You say

You rub your eyes and stand up

"Do you know anything about Louis?"
You ask

You are worried, maybe he got caught in jail or he ran away. Larry clears his throath

"I've got the news."
He says

"You won't be happy with them,"
Larry says

"Just tell me,"
You say

"He escaped. He ran away."

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